Bike Stolen


New Member
Guess it was only a matter of time. Woke up this morning and my bike was stolen. I had it parked right in front of my apartment building. I can't beleive I didn't hear or see anything. They must have lifted it up in a truck or something. Hell they even stole the cover that was on it and the kickstand plate on the ground. I called the cops and the insurance company. Not sure what else I can do now. Friggin pissed. I put so much friggin time into that bike to make it mine and now some POS took it.
:eek: That's terrible news man. Hope that your bike gets returned or that you get the money from the insurance. Please let us know how it turns out.
Man that sucks. I'm thankful to have a garage. I don't know if any of you watch any vloggers on YouTube but chase on 2 wheels had his r6 stolen from his apartment also. It sucks, and a shame that you can't leave your bike outside your home without worrying. Hopefully insurance does you right if you have full coverage. I have liability only with comprehensive if it gets stolen or caught on fire.
At this point i don't even want it back. Who knows what damage has been done to it. Although i do hope the cops catch the guy, but i doubt that will happen. If there is any bright spot it would be at least now i dont have to pay for storage during the winter and i guess ill get a new one next spring. Will probably get an R6. Was thinking of upgrading eventually anyway just didnt want to do it this way or right now. Definitely gettin an alarm on the next one
Did you have any security type devices on the bike ?

The only security device i have is a disc lock and of course i didnt have it on. Probably wouldnt have mattered anyway
Sorry Wooster, I feel for you man I would be sad and pissed at the some time! Hope all works out for you!
Very sorry, man... major violation...
I'm guessing my bike is covered under my comprehensive part of my policy. Of course minus the $500 deductible. I also have $3000 coverage for accessories on it, but right now I'm only able to find half the reciepts for the stuff I bought. I've got pictures of all the stuff I bought, but do you think that would be enough proof for the insurance company? You guys have any tips on how I should handle this with the insurance company in general. I still owe like $5000 on the bike. Obviously I'm hoping to get that back plus what I paid for the accessories. How screwed am I?
Wow dude, that really blows. I hope the resolution is at least decent, I know insurance companies like to screw you over!

I would possibly consult a lawyer on the issue and see what they say about it.
Sorry dude that really blows. Before I bought my FZ6R I made sure I had a garage to keep it in. If no garage no bike. My cousin got his bike stolen out of his back yard over night and he had a locked fence. Don't know how they did it but they lifted it over a 6 foot fence. It was a Suzuki GSX-R 750.
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Sorry dude that really blows. Before I bought my FZ6R I made sure i had a garage to keep it in. If no garage no bike. My cousin got his bike stolen out of his back yard over night and he had a locked fence. Don't know how they did it but they lifted it over a 6 foot fence. It was a Suzuki GSX-R 750.

Wow a 6 foot fence; it's amazing how hard people will work to get something for free!
Apparently I'm going to hear back from the insurance tomorrow. We'll see. I'm trying to find the good in all this and I've decided I'm not going to get another bike until I buy a house. I've been putting it off but these dipshits just gave me the final motivation to buy a place with a garage. Bottom line is It's time to move cause I've got some jealous trash neighbors and I'm convinced they have something to do with the bike getting stolen. I've got a few leads, but I'm not going to say anything here cause I wouldn't be surprised if they are monitoring this site. But man it would have been worth them taking it if I would have caught them. But hey they are saving me a bike payment, insurance payment, and storage fees for the rest of the winter....LOL

To be continued
Sorry to hear about your bike man. Luckily I haven't and hopefully will never have to experience that. I have experience my house being broke into and having had alot of my stuff stolen. So I can at least relate to how you feel. It's just a sickening feeling knowing that some lowlife a$$hole stole something that you worked hard to get and maintain. Hope you either get it back or your insuance covers it. Best of luck

Sorry to hear about your bike man. Luckily I haven't and hopefully will never have to experience that. I have experience my house being broke into and having had alot of my stuff stolen. So I can at least relate to how you feel. It's just a sickening feeling knowing that some lowlife a$$hole stole something that you worked hard to get and maintain. Hope you either get it back or your insuance covers it. Best of luck

For me it's not even a money issue. It's more personal for me. Any other night I would have caught them. Obviously they were scoping me out for some time and knew how and when to hit me. I'm more pissed I didn't see it coming. Like I said, these people are jealous cowards and a week from now they will be broke looking for another bike. They are so F'ing stupid. They should have waited until I put the $1000 Two Brothers exhaust on which I was planning on doing in a few weeks.....LOL
