Best & Worst


New Member
I have seen some place that "The best and worst thing about riding is that you get to smell the world"

Well last night I was hit with the extremes of both ends on my trip to Atlantic City NJ from Brooklyn NY and back.

The Good

One the 278 @ the belt parkway fork something smelled like cotton Candy
There was something that smelled like popcorn some along route 278 in Staten Island
The entire garden stat parkway smelled like fresh cut wet grass
Atlantic City it self smelled like the ocean

The bad

In Brooklyn near the prospect express way 278 merge smelled like a gallon of vomit
On the I-95 entrance from the 278 smell like a waste water plant that could not handle the load
There was one ally next to a stop sign in Atlantic City that just smelled like piss

Links to all points

Share what you have smelled?
Well, this weekend when I was out riding, I was sitting at a light, and smelled some (very strong) weed coming out of the car in front of me. Then, out by the ocean, there was the smell of the ocean / saltwater in the air mixed w/ all tlhe fumes from the fast boats out on the water...there was some competition going on. Mixed in with all that was the smell of horseflesh & horse you-know-what as there were a bunch of people riding their horses near the beach. The smells that got my attention the most was the meat cooking on all the barbeques everywhere!!! Yum!
I live in East Tn near the dragon so I get all sorts of smells. I am weird in that I like a lot of smells that other people don't.

I LOVE the smell of cow and horse farms.
I like the smell of skunk. (I guess it is just primal wilderness)
But the smells here of the different seasons are awesome.

However the farms here use reclaimed water and chicken poop to spray their fields. OHMIGOD! No thank you!:(
I live in Florida...but NOT like "yay Mickey" Florida. I live in the Panhandle...which most people native to the area (i'm not native) consider LA (Lower Alabama). Around here, you smell fish....more fish....people cooking fish...the ocean (which smells like fresh fish no supermarket fish) probably because people are catching fish...and pavement. It gets extremely hot here and to be honest I have to be careful where I park because the asphalt might melt and my bike might tip:( Still, wouldn't trade it for the riding...

East TN huh? My friends and I were thrown out of a place in East TN...not like thrown out of a bar....we were thrown out of Chattanooga, the city:eek: We were not nor are bad people, just a misunderstanding with some a wedding (no fighting or arguing involved)...any who...Loved it while it lasted.
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Good - fresh mowed grass, burning wood.

Bad - Fresh road kill skunk, vehicle exhaust
Living in San Diego you get quite the mix.

The Bad:

In the city - traffic and exhaust from cages. Cigarette smoke coming from cars while you're sitting at red lights. (believe it or not I notice this a lot!) Driving around the city sucks.

In the mountains - skunks, farms, (jdesiano1 sorry but I think you're nuts, the cow and horse farms are the worst. And yes, in east San Diego County there is a lot of farming and livestock.)

I agree with the cigarette smoke, I hate it. And I guess since I grew up on horses it brings back good memories of the farm. Oh well.:rolleyes::p
I love the smell of farms haha!! In the morning on my way to work the cow poo just makes the air smell so fresh, to bad the smell is not noticeable any other time of day..

I also love the smell of the forest and ocean..

but I hate the smell of dumps and downtown cities..
I'm with you, Jess, the animal smells can be the best part of the ride, at least when partnered with fresh green smell (grass, trees, etc).

The one that perplexes me the most, though, is the smell of marijuana on the freeway. Who in their right mind thinks it's safe to toke and drive?
The best smell is the open country, especially after or just before a rain.

The worst smell is right outside the hospital I work at. It smells like raw sewage right on the street.

Another perplexing smell is on the highway as I come by a local factory. They manufacture industrial lubricants (Calumet) and the smell changes daily, but smells like flatulence most of the time. :confused:
I'm with you, Jess, the animal smells can be the best part of the ride, at least when partnered with fresh green smell (grass, trees, etc).

The one that perplexes me the most, though, is the smell of marijuana on the freeway. Who in their right mind thinks it's safe to toke and drive?

I was behind a semi truck last night on my way home, only vehicle in front in front of me and every 30 seconds or so a big PUFF would come out the window and all I would sell was a the wacky tabacky!
I was behind a semi truck last night on my way home, only vehicle in front in front of me and every 30 seconds or so a big PUFF would come out the window and all I would sell was a the wacky tabacky!

That is the worst!

In NYC you get that a lot as they hold the cigarette out side the window.

Some times I want to say if ya gonna smoke it keep it to your self

The Best: Evergreen trees.

The Worst: Being behind one or more Harleys spewing out fumes from their "performance modified" carbs. (+100 for FZ6R with fuel injection and catalytic converter)
