

New Member
Hello, I'm a newbie rider, Just got my license about year and a half ago, didn't ride much last year, (didnt have a bike). Just bought a fz6r as my first bike, i'll be riding a lot this summer.

First question? How did you started leaning the bike in the curves? How fast you go when leaning like that?

On my way to work i got a couple of curves going down the hill, what would be a good speed in general? 30 mph?


New Member
Hello, I'm a newbie rider, Just got my license about year and a half ago, didn't ride much last year, (didnt have a bike). Just bought a fz6r as my first bike, i'll be riding a lot this summer.

First question? How did you started leaning the bike in the curves? How fast you go when leaning like that?

On my way to work i got a couple of curves going down the hill, what would be a good speed in general? 30 mph?

Congrats on your 6R! umm.. have you taken the MSF course? You counter-steer, lean with the bike etc... And there is no way anyone can answer how fast you should go in those curves! It's all on you and your riding skills. If you haven't taken the MSF course do it! Check out counter steer vid's on youtube.


New Member
No didn't have a chance to do the MSF yet. About counter steering i've being doing without even noticing I was doing.

The first bike I even rode was a ninja 500. I didn't know anything about counter steering etc... I really had no idea what I was doing. I took the MSF course a few weeks later, OMG! What a world of difference. I learned a lot from that basic course. If you're able to do it, I would highly recommended it.:thumbup:


waiting out winter
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Another +1 to MSF!

That being said, you are the one who knows your limits around turns. take it easy until your comfortable with going a little faster, rinse repeat. and dont do anything too crazy unless your prepared to deal with the consequences, nothing is more dangerous than that feeling of "god, ive got this down" and then the road will come up and bite you right in the rear end.


New Member
lean angle is a by-product of proper riding technique. there is no scale of time table as to how soon or when you have to lean more or lean less. as your riding skills progress from practicing and riding more, you'll gradually notice that you're leaning more. don't try to force it or you will get yourself into trouble really fast. i'm going on my 3rd year of riding now, and i'm still am nowhere near getting a knee down... <lol> sad, but i haven't crashed out like some ppl i know- who were too impatient and tried so hard to do it on the race track... definitely take the MSF course, but keep in mind that safety is all about using good common sense and riding within your own abilities. the more you practice the better you'll get.


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Congrats on the 6R!
Like many have stated take the MSF course as soon as possible and continue to read, watch and learn and practice as much as possible. Learn and understand how your bike operates and how to properly ride your motorcycle. Safety always first, as you progress your technique will begin to improve. And always know your roads before trying anything aggressive on them, take your time and live and learn with your bike.


New Member
I took the MSF course as well, and highly recommend it. As Rook said, cornering speeds are mostly a comfort thing. I still feel a little nervous taking corners more than ten miles over the indicated speed, but I'm coming to trust the bike more. The bike can mush out in a turn under the right conditions, but as you've seen from bike racing, the things can be damn near on their side and hold traction.

It took time for me to really trust my tires... take your time, work on your abilities and trust issues ;)


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Thanks all you guys for the support. Like somebody already said, I ride for the wind in my face. No desire to get on the track or touch my knee on the road. Just dont wanna make a turn at 5mph and hold up the whole traffic


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