Anyone install the cycle sounds sport bike sound system?


New Member
I was debating on getting this system but not sure where I would install everything and was wondering if anyone else has installed it and could show me some pictures.
This is actual speakers for the bike? Could you even hear something like that while moving? Not sure what the point of it is, just curious? Ear buds seem much cheaper.
I think I saw a rating of 250 watts. Not sure if peak or RMS but that's enough power to hear it while driving with a helmet and makes it OK to run with the bike off too... for a while anyways.
A buddy of mine has this system on his gsxr750. They get LOUD. I can hear his music clearly while we ride, so he must be able to hear it too. lol
Ear buds are illegal in Illinois, you can only wear one legally and from what I read this system can get loud. I just didn't know if the installation would a pain in the ass and worth it. I'm not sure the speakers would fit under the windscreen
