Anyone fill their tires up with Nitrogen?


New Member
Some race bikes and cars fill their tires up with Nitrogen.

Plus I heard some places give you free refills of it for tires like Goodyear or Costco, not sure.

Any benefits of filling it up with Nitrogen? I've heard it's quieter and smoother.
Nitrogen is less prone to pressure fluctuations due to temperature changes, so it gives you more consistent tire pressures, extending the life of the tires and possibly improving fuel efficiency. However, it can be expensive, and since the air we breathe is almost 80% nitrogen, the air compressors at gas stations and such work just fine for free.
We used to use nitrogen in the tires when we were racing stock cars because you get a more consistent change in tire pressures and less moisture. But like Robert mentioned, it's expensive and not really worth it for street use.

aircraft use nitrogen as well...mostly due to the moisture i think. Aircraft tires can be put through huge heat cycles quickly and nitrogen gives a better consistency for pressure changes without the moisture factor. Also I heard that oxygen can over time cause damage to the insides of the tire but I think that might be pretty much BS as the outsides will be shot long before the insides...

For motorsports and space shuttles YES...for FZ6Rs on the road...:rolleyes:
I'd like to point out that there is always going to be a little air in the tire, unless you install the tire on the wheels inside a nitrogen environment. The gases trapped inside the tires at installation can't be eliminated as far as I know. All you can do is raise the percentage of nitrogen inside the tire. Some oxygen will still be in there, as well as a few trace gases. If you want to make sure your street bike will get the best gases in your tires, get a compressor, a desiccant trap, and a good tire gauge. Use them before every ride.
We used to use nitrogen in the tires when we were racing stock cars because you get a more consistent change in tire pressures and less moisture. But like Robert mentioned, it's expensive and not really worth it for street use.

thats the only time we used it as well, and agree 100%.

plus add in the fact that if you want your tires to be filled with nitrogren, you must seat the tire using nitrogen. any small percentage of ('cheap air' <--:rolleyes:) will defeat the whole purpose.
When I got my trucks tires a couple years ago, they shop filled them with nitrogen. I didn't ask for it, that's just what they used. I don't know if the nitrogen has anything to do with it or just good tires/rims, but my tires are always maintaining their pressure. I've maybe had to put a couple PSI is one or two over the last couple years, as they hold their pressure well.

Dont waste any money or time on it. Nitrogen has a purpose and it's not in bikes or everyday stop and go driving. The main reason nitrogen is used is in airplanes, stock cars, and NHRA is it will not adjust due to heat and temp. change.
As a 25 year veteran airline Mechanic I can tell you the only reason nitrogen is put in aircraft tires is to eliminate water vapor in the tires(which could freeze in flight then unbalance the tire for landing). The pressure is measured in pounds per square inch(PSI), it is irrelevant what gas is creating the pressure only that it is correct. Corrosion prevention is a secondary benefit of using Nitrogen. As noted before the air we breath is 78% nitrogen and the nitrogen you buy was derived from the air from using a separator which most air lines have to fill tires and tire filling bottles. If you were to fill a tire on a day that was very humid and assuming the compressor tank had filled with humid air then you could expect to have some liquid water in your tire. A good source of compressed air would have a dryer assembly that basically eliminates that moisture. A good garage would have dried air supplied to their equipment like we do at the airline. There are 5 gas laws that talk about compressibility and temperature and expansion if you really want to see how minuscule the related density difference is between breathing air and pure nitrogen.
As a 25 year veteran airline Mechanic I can tell you the only reason nitrogen is put in aircraft tires is to eliminate water vapor in the tires(which could freeze in flight then unbalance the tire for landing). The pressure is measured in pounds per square inch(PSI), it is irrelevant what gas is creating the pressure only that it is correct. Corrosion prevention is a secondary benefit of using Nitrogen. As noted before the air we breath is 78% nitrogen and the nitrogen you buy was derived from the air from using a separator which most air lines have to fill tires and tire filling bottles. If you were to fill a tire on a day that was very humid and assuming the compressor tank had filled with humid air then you could expect to have some liquid water in your tire. A good source of compressed air would have a dryer assembly that basically eliminates that moisture. A good garage would have dried air supplied to their equipment like we do at the airline. There are 5 gas laws that talk about compressibility and temperature and expansion if you really want to see how minuscule the related density difference is between breathing air and pure nitrogen.

PV=nRT baby! :steve::steve::steve:
GEEK!!! :rof: :rof:

I was thinking the same... now we're talking 99vengeur's language....

get back to making mutants and stop thinking about gas laws...

only law I have about gas is with my kids in the van.......
roll down the window :rof:

You guys kill me!! :rof:
You're not a geek for knowing it, but for being so excited about it that you put the :steve: 3 times after it. :p

Jon, it's the simple things in life....

