Any weekend plans?

Work till 7 this evening, work 6-12 tomorrow, nephews B-Day party, then HOPEFULLY a big ride Sunday if it doesn't rain!

Also i'll be praying that my Exhaust ships out today intstead of waiting till Monday to ship!
After 3 years of my wife's junk in my garage,,tomorrow we are having a Yard Sale to get rid of it,,,and I get my garage back (YAHOOO!). Sunday my daughter (Jess) will play a DBL Header Base Ball game here at our local field and my son (Cale ) will either Umpire Base or Home Plate. Also Sunday evening I have a band practice. So we will be busy!
Standard weekend... Takin the boat out and catching some Kokanee! Try and get a ride in as well :) Going to do a valve adjustment on my Grandpas 87 450 Rebel. Then plan on smokin up the fish on Sunday. Yum... :D

kokanee is beer? lol I didnt know it was fish
I work from 8:00am-6pm tomorrow, and I live an hour and a half from work so tomorrows pretty much shot. Sunday I am going to the fiance's parents to hang out in the am, and early afternoon we are going to my parents for a bit as I havent seen them for like two months?...job, happens. Hopefully taking the bike to both their houses lol.
kokanee is beer? lol I didnt know it was fish

There is a kokanee beer, but Yes it is a fish. It is basically a land locked salmon. Beautiful red meat. Super fun to catch.. Some of the lakes out here have a 25 limit on them. So if 3 of ya in the boat, you can bring home 75 in one day! Stay for a weekend and you can pull well over 100 if ya lucky. :eek: Now THATS a good day fishing. I am lucky if I bring 5 home a trip.

These are kokanee... Very good tasting fish. Almost better than fresh Atlantic salmon ;) (in some peoples eyes.) We call them silver bullets. It is an addiction fishing for them. You get to use all sorts of different color hoochies, wedding rings, apex's, dodgers, flashers, anything to piss em off since they attack out of aggression, not hunger. I think they only eat a type of plankton, so you have to get the junk right in their school and piss em off! Its fun.

my fav was sockeye. Not a huge fan of most salmon though, but fishing for them is amazing! How oily of a salmon are they and how deep are they?
Driving from CT to NC for a family get together right now...driving back Sunday...gonma be fun, but a ton of driving!

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I am sooooooooooo effing tired omg.
naw I was only up till 1 but I had to be up at 6 :( sucks living an hour and a half away from your job haha!

Sounds like you have a great weekend planned dart!
Getting some miles in today on my new FZ6R! Then coming back to pick up my beloved's new FZ8 at the dealership. Brand new "His and Hers" bikes... gotta love it!

Then we need to get to work finishing the bike I'm racing at Bonneville. 22 days until we run at the speed trials and this thing is nowhere near finished! Going to be down to the wire. ugh!

You doing a track day?

Of course he is, I found a pic of him from his last track day :eek::thumbup:



