Any Bass Guitar Players in House?


New Member
I know this IS a motorcycle forum,,,but since we are all such good friends (I hope) I would like some opinions. I after many many years I got back into playing bass guitar. Recently I purchased a TRAYNOR YBA-200-2 (200 watt) tube bass amp,(head only) . I am now in a classic rock band and am looking for a decent cabinet. My local music store can get me a NEW Fender Rumble 4x10 Bass Cabinet for $299.00, or I can buy a New Fender Rumble 1x12 Bass Cabinet (light weight) for a $100.00 more. It has been so long since I was in the music thing ,,so any Bass Guitar players on this forum give me their thoughts please. Thankyou Laurence (Laurie)
I know this IS a motorcycle forum,,,but since we are all such good friends (I hope) I would like some opinions. I after many many years I got back into playing bass guitar. Recently I purchased a TRAYNOR YBA-200-2 (200 watt) tube bass amp,(head only) . I am now in a classic rock band and am looking for a decent cabinet. My local music store can get me a NEW Fender Rumble 4x10 Bass Cabinet for $299.00, or I can buy a New Fender Rumble 1x12 Bass Cabinet (light weight) for a $100.00 more. It has been so long since I was in the music thing ,,so any Bass Guitar players on this forum give me their thoughts please. Thankyou Laurence (Laurie)
Wow how random....
My name is Lawrence (son is Sammy), I am Canadian from Montreal (live in Atlanta) and I play bass guitar. Without knowing too much of what you are describing I would always lean toward spending a few extra bucks for the better item, you will likely never regret it. I have a Peavy 65 watt amp with black widow speakers since 1984 and it is still going strong!! I can hook it up to auxiliary speakers and get up to 1200 watts of that is some volume.

I've been known to dabble on bass but I have never played either of those Fender cabs. I did have a Fender Bassman combo a few years back and it was decent. I personally would stick a 410 cab because I like a tight and punchy sound and 10" speakers have fast response. The 112 will get you a mid-range type sound.
As far as brands go Avatar makes pretty good cabs but I've never seen them in music stores, only online. The Ampeg SVT line is great but a little higher priced than the Fenders. A Ampeg SVT410 is around $650. I don't think going with the Fender is a bad decision though.
When I was younger, I played through a GK800RB head to an old original SVT 8x10 cab from the 60's with 32 ohm CTS speakers. The 10" speakers are the bomb. I used to suppliment this with a 15" black widow in a ported cab on top and a 150 watt Peavey amp to drive it to get that deep rumble. DBX 160X and several ART preamps and effect processors and all wireless for USC Frat parties. Got to let the audience participate playing The Jack while I drank beer outta the keg.
Now I just have a Warwick Blue Cab 30.1 with an Alesis micro compressor.
Sold all my basses except a 20 year old Peavey Foundation with EMG pups, custom frets and paint and a really solid and heavy bridge.

I had a Workingmans 4 x 10 head and cab and thought it was crap.

Yes very nice indeed,,one of my favorite drummers,,, the late Keith Moon. I have had various basses in the past ,but I now have 3 are alot cheaper than some basses I used to have. I have 3 Fender Squier's (2 Jazz and a Tele bass) and these have amazing build/sound quality for the price. The black bass on the right is one that I have.


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