Another reminder, be careful out there...


New Member
...because the ground hurts. I was heading to work Tuesday morning minding my own business when a lady ran a stop sign at a three-way intersection at full speed. I was going about 50 mph when I finally saw her, pretty much in the intersection. When she finally saw me after running the stop she panicked and hit the brakes as well. I went to quick stop, knowing I couldn't swerve around because of the dust and gravel on the road, but my tires weren't sticking. I tried not to panic as well and laid it down right before hitting her.

The right peg caught the ground and put the bike in a slow spin down the road and missed her car. I found myself laying in the middle of an intersection watching the bike slide away from me. What a horrible feeling.

Luckily, I did not hit her. I was wearing my gear, used my experience to make the right call in a horrible situation and walked away relatively alright. My knee is a pretty busted and my whole body is sore and bruised, but I'm breathing and still have my skin. I'll be getting an MRI soon to check for soft tissue damage and most likely physical therapy so my knee isn't messed up for life.

When I heal and get my mirror fixed, my plan is to get right back on again. A lot of people think I'm stupid, and to be honest part of this post is to get past the mental pain lingering from the incident. I really don't want to play the what if game... what if I left 30 secs sooner, what if there was one more car on the road between my house and the crash etc etc. It's counter-productive and I plan to take the MSRC again here in Italy to practice my quick stops. I'm not done yet and I don't plan to let an idiot that ran a stop sign at full speed ruin something I love.

TL;DR I crashed, plan to get back on again, everyone please be safe out there.

Update #1 Had to make another trip back to the ER for abdominal pain. Turns out I probably fractured a rib, have some trauma to my intestines, and a good amount of blood in my right abdomen. Nothing can be done for a fractured rib other than time, but as long as I don't show signs of infection or start vomiting all should be well.
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Thanks for sharing. Hope you are back in the saddle soon.

How did your gear hold up? My summer riding pants have light pads in the knees. They are better than jeans but frankly not by much. Hearing about your knee makes me think about mine. ;)
Glad to hear you're mostly all right. I hope your knee ends up more sore than injured. Pain is manageable, as long as the damage doesn't last. I hope your recovery goes well and you are able to get back out there soon. And watch out for those woman drivers! Yeesh...

(J/K :p)
How did your gear hold up? My summer riding pants have light pads in the knees. They are better than jeans but frankly not by much. Hearing about your knee makes me think about mine. ;)

Knees are damn delicate, and I would recommend protecting them. My gear is surprisingly ok. There are some marks on my gloves and boots (both), some wear on jacket (right shoulder), and scratches on my helmet (chin and visor). I could only imagine if I had been wearing anything less than a full face, I would probably not have a face as I type this. I'll probably replace a few things, mostly the gloves. It held up when I needed it too but I wouldn't test them again.
You probably already know this, but one crash and a helmet is as good as trash. It might be ok but there's no real way to tell, other than a method none of us would wish on any fellow rider. Safest thing to do is mark it crashed and get a new one.
You probably already know this, but one crash and a helmet is as good as trash. It might be ok but there's no real way to tell, other than a method none of us would wish on any fellow rider. Safest thing to do is mark it crashed and get a new one.

New one is on the way tomorrow.
Oh man... sorry to hear about the incident. Hope you make a quick recovery!

People say you're stupid? For planning to ride again? I think that makes you brave, not stupid. There's danger in anything we do... just like I could get hurt riding my motorcycle, I could choke on my food and die any second now... we only get one life and it's better to live it doing the things we enjoy doing. Carpe Diem.
Get well soon! And I hear ya about hoppin' right back on once you recuperate. Took me about 2 weeks to heal from my run-in with a stoopid in a cage, but once I did I started her up, looked at her hard for a good minute or so, then got on. Yer absolutely right. Don't let some doucher ruin something that you love. :thumbup:
The cager that ran the stop stayed there and admitted their responsibility?
Sorry for your mishap MM. I just returned from a week in Milan walking around shopping with the wife. I have no idea how anyone stays alive on a bike in Italy. I saw some of the craziest things. They all wore some kind of helmet ,but that was about it for gear. High heels and a dress seemed to be the choice for ladies and shorts and tee shirts for the guys. Absolutely crazy,but it's their way of life.
that sucks, but good that you aren't seriously injured... hope u make a speedy recovery and get back to riding...

that said, did the lady stop and take financial responsibility? did u get a police report and her insurance info?

in CA at least, even if there is no vehicle-to-vehicle collision, if the other party's illegal maneuver caused an accident, then they are responsible. for example, if she ran a red or stop sign. she is responsible for this accident.

The cager that ran the stop stayed there and admitted their responsibility?

That is the wild part. Stayed, admitted responsibility and didn't have insurance. Very strange indeed.
