After a crash,spill, why is it that.............



Everyone seems more concerned about the bike ?


All the vidoes I've seen online, right after a crash or spill, 80% of the people run towards the bike like " omg, you ok ? " haaaaaaaaaa

Funniest part of all is, I'm not trying to sound like a smartass or make this a joke, its true.


Everyone always tries to UPRIGHT the bike ASAP too, even if the bike is totally effin trashed, basically a total loss, ppl will be like " hey man, lets stand this thing up!!!"

I guess the rider is concerned about his bike more than his body, I would be in same state of mind too, i guess, but its just funny.

Feel bad for anyone that has crashed or spilled, just a lil observation regarding the after-actions, after the crashes.
I am a new rider, i have only done 560miles (including 180 odd yesteday) went out with mates yesterday and had 3 close calls (all for different reasons and all part of the learning curve) during each one i was more worried about the damage to the bike if i layed it down than i was about the damage to me, luckily me and the bike escaped with out a scratch every time.
i know, 3 close calls in one ride. dude, go to a parking lot and practice a little. theres no way you'd have 3 close calls in one ride unless your riding carelessly in traffic, not paying attention, or your not experienced enough to ride bike comfortably enough.

if you have 3 close calls everytime you ride, they are gonna be soo close next time. it will be a crash.
Not sure my bike even crossed my mind I was in so much pain when I wrecked. I was more worried and stopped them from cutting off my leather 1 piece! :D Tried to cut it off twice. Once on the road and once in the hospital AFTER it was already down to my waist. :facepalm:
Not sure my bike even crossed my mind I was in so much pain when I wrecked. I was more worried and stopped them from cutting off my leather 1 piece! :D Tried to cut it off twice. Once on the road and once in the hospital AFTER it was already down to my waist. :facepalm:

when did you wreck, and how ?
was it bike ? road conditions ? you ? or other motorist ?
when did you wreck, and how ?
was it bike ? road conditions ? you ? or other motorist ?

2010 on the 6R. Partying the night before and got about 1 hour sleep literally. Knew I shouldn't ride but did anyways. Took a good rock to my new visor from a buddy in front of me and chipped it right in my field of vision.

Spaced out staring at the chip, and pretty much just went into la la land and kind of woke up as im already shot straight threw a corner.

Went right into the side of the mountain, super-manned off the bike and up the hill into a log and rolled back down. Dislocated my should and my whole right side really bruised up. Ankle took a nasty hit but just swollen bad. Was in full gear, leather suit, boots, gloves, helmet.

All 100% my fault.

All I remember was hitting the ground face down but then looking up at the sky. Don't remember hittin the log and rolling down. Guy behind me filled me in on that info, so I must have blacked out for a hot second.

First vehicle there (a guy behind us in a truck) was an EMT so that was really good. I was going to puke in my helmet and needed it off so he supported my neck with towels or something and took it off. Could not breathe in it.

Crazy thing is while I am laying there I hear a nasty crunch... 2 other bikes wrecked right next to me. One guy slowed down as he saw us all there on the side of the road, and the bike before him nailed him in the rear. Neither were hurt, not much damage to bikes. Did not know either of them.

$2k ambulance ride alone... :facepalm: Then the hospital bill which was almost as much AFTER personal health insurance. Had full coverage on the bike, but no medical. My personal medical insurance does not cover ambulance until a $2k deductible is met. Hospital bill and the bill for EVERY freaking person that so much as poked their head into my room and ASKED ME HOW I AM FEELING! Had to pay 20% of total bill. Pretty expensive crash. Could have been worse though.
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Damn man, thats what almost deters me from wanting to ride.

I debated on getting a bike about 5 years ago, and ended up not doing it. Now I'm back in the same boat again, debating all over again. I know ppl are gonna say, if I just dont pull trigger, I will never do it. I eventually will get a bike, I'm still finding out what bike exactly i want first and all the cost associated with it. when all said and done, bike,gear,interest to bank,insurance,maintenance,security,storage, gonna be close to $9000-$12000, depending on bike.

after all said and done.
monthly payments of bike $110-150, plus insurance $50-$90.

grand total per month $160-240, give or take.

kinda scary.... because I'm driving a 2013 Infiniti Sedan for $345 month.
Damn man, thats what almost deters me from wanting to ride.

I debated on getting a bike about 5 years ago, and ended up not doing it. Now I'm back in the same boat again, debating all over again. I know ppl are gonna say, if I just dont pull trigger, I will never do it. I eventually will get a bike, I'm still finding out what bike exactly i want first and all the cost associated with it. when all said and done, bike,gear,interest to bank,insurance,maintenance,security,storage, gonna be close to $9000-$12000, depending on bike.

after all said and done.
monthly payments of bike $110-150, plus insurance $50-$90.

grand total per month $160-240, give or take.

kinda scary.... because I'm driving a 2013 Infiniti Sedan for $345 month.

Yeah ,you have to make sure you can financially afford it. Make sure you have full coverage insurance and if no good medical insurance I would get medical on your bike insurance.

There is a big risk with riding, that is for sure. That will never go away. All you can do is accept the risk and enjoy the ride man. Shit happens everyday, bike or no bike. If you live in fear and are scared every time you ride, then it is not for you probably. And there is nothing wrong with staying home one day if your gut is telling you something. I KNEW in my gut I should not be riding that day and should have stayed home. Now if you get that EVERY day, well then, ya. If you can accept it, enjoy it, stay cautious/defensive at the same time and you have that ear to ear grin every time you ride, then ya... its for you. ;)

Life is short. Enjoy it while you can.

The 6R is an amazing bike and would make a good one for you. Lots of power, cheap to maintain, insure, etc. Very user friendly. Nice riding position. Great bike.

If money is an issue, or you are worried about trashing a new bike, save up for a year or so and buy an older bike outright with cash. I just picked up an 02 Bandit 1200 fully loaded for $2500. Blast to ride.
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Damn man, thats what almost deters me from wanting to ride.

I debated on getting a bike about 5 years ago, and ended up not doing it. Now I'm back in the same boat again, debating all over again. I know ppl are gonna say, if I just dont pull trigger, I will never do it. I eventually will get a bike, I'm still finding out what bike exactly i want first and all the cost associated with it. when all said and done, bike,gear,interest to bank,insurance,maintenance,security,storage, gonna be close to $9000-$12000, depending on bike.

after all said and done.
monthly payments of bike $110-150, plus insurance $50-$90.

grand total per month $160-240, give or take.

kinda scary.... because I'm driving a 2013 Infiniti Sedan for $345 month.

is this your 1st bike? if so, what can we do to change your mind not to spend $8k+ on a possible mistake?
is this your 1st bike? if so, what can we do to change your mind not to spend $8k+ on a possible mistake?

I think ive got my mind set on the cB 1000r,either new or used, or 2011-2012 new if available. Love the 6R, but really like the 1000r better.
I think ive got my mind set on the cB 1000r,either new or used, or 2011-2012 new if available. Love the 6R, but really like the 1000r better.

PLEASE don't make that your first bike.
what was that guys name from NY?? :rolleyes:
Again???? Didn't we just go through this with a guy 6r vs. Cb1000???

So we will go to the previous question. First bike???
When I first dropped my ninja, a while back, my first instinct was the concern for the bike. More or less nothing else matter but my bike at the moment.

Even the lady that happened to see the whole thing said

"are you okay?"

My response

"Ya, but my bike isn't"
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