Advice Please


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Not jumping the gun.. Follow your gut feelings. Should always have a top notch resume ready to go anyways. If you are not going to be happy, no reason for you to stay. Just make sure you have another job before jumping ship. And don't burn the bridge either though. Good references help a lot.
Like jspansel said, even though cliche... do what makes you happy! Ride it out for a little bit and have your plan B ready.
My job went through 4 bosses last year. I wanted to jump ship but they finally hired someone that used to work at this account previously and knows wtf they are talking about. Basically what I'm saying is, it might suck for a bit but stay and see how bad it really goes. You might actually like getting one of their supervisors since that might be the key to making your group not be outcasts. Don't predict the rain before you get wet.
I'm kind of tired of this place anyway, even before him telling us he was leaving. I think he was probably the reason I've stayed. The flexibility was huge and now without that it seems like there's no point. Also the other groups micro manage the sh!t out of their groups. We don't have that with him and I feel like that's going to start happening.

Like I said, I'll put the feelers out and see what comes my way.

why dont you try and get the supervisory position?
Been here for 7...

I can't imagine it could get much worse. I'm pretty much plateau'd where I am. There's nowhere else to go, and getting $.15 raises every year isn't doing much for me.

Like I said, if you are not happy, move on if you can. Life is short. No reason to stay somewhere if you are not happy.
Now would be a good time, I'm only 28 so I have a while to go!

youd still retire at 58 if you put in 30 years,,,,so before 60 still. Get it done but dont burn your bridge.
My rules for the last 45 years of working for "the man". 1.Always have a plan B. 2.Never burn bridges. 3.Try to find a job you can be happy at. Worked my first job 15 years and it was the best move I ever did to quit and move on. I have less than 5 until I retire and even though I work for an ass,I can do five easy. I have learned to manipulate and tolerate. Good luck with whatever choice you make.
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