2012 FZ6R - out the door price (if dealer made no profit)


New Member
A weird question, I know. But as I'm playing dealers off against each other (and they are rarely completely honest) - I figured having a good understanding of what they have to work with would be a good idea. Obviously this will vary from state to state with taxes (Seattle has a hefty 10%). I've been getting quotes for new 2012's for $7500 otd - but I can tell there is wiggle room. I don't want to lowball anyone, but I would like to know what is realistic in terms of a good deal, and how much is a fair price for them to be making off of it. Thanks.
A weird question, I know. But as I'm playing dealers off against each other (and they are rarely completely honest) - I figured having a good understanding of what they have to work with would be a good idea. Obviously this will vary from state to state with taxes (Seattle has a hefty 10%). I've been getting quotes for new 2012's for $7500 otd - but I can tell there is wiggle room. I don't want to lowball anyone, but I would like to know what is realistic in terms of a good deal, and how much is a fair price for them to be making off of it. Thanks.

I did the same thing and got my brand new '12 for $5800 plus tax and title($618.33) when I brought it back to MD. Miller's Yamaha in PA is supposedly one of the most favorite children of Yamaha in the US. They have a bunch of awards from Yamaha. But they were trying to get new models on the floor. I got home and noticed the fairing wasn't lined up correctly. Just picked it up about a week ago from having them fix it by replacing the fairing(they covered it). Considering the volume they put out though + it had a defect I wouldn't say you should give them such a low offer lol.
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I did the same thing and got my brand new '12 for 5800 plus tax. Miller's Yamaha in PA is supposedly one of the most favorite children of Yamaha in the US. They have a bunch of awards from Yamaha. But they were trying to get new models on the floor. I got home and noticed the fairing wasn't lined up correctly. Just picked it up about a week ago from having them fix it by replacing the fairing(they covered it). Considering the volume they put out though + it had a defect I wouldn't say you should give them a 5800 offer lol.
Can you remember what it equaled out to with taxes and fees, etc.? The one I'm talking to currently has it listed at $5800 - but after all is said and done it shoots up to $7500. Anyone have a reasonable otd offer they think I should make?

A weird question, I know. But as I'm playing dealers off against each other (and they are rarely completely honest) - I figured having a good understanding of what they have to work with would be a good idea. Obviously this will vary from state to state with taxes (Seattle has a hefty 10%). I've been getting quotes for new 2012's for $7500 otd - but I can tell there is wiggle room. I don't want to lowball anyone, but I would like to know what is realistic in terms of a good deal, and how much is a fair price for them to be making off of it. Thanks.

I am yet to find anywhere that has higher tax and reg that California. Mine was 7000 OTD including tax and registration. However I also got really great financing through yamaha for 3.49 for 72 (after arguing with dealer that I wasn't going to finance through their local dude), I put some down and wound up with a whopping payment of $78. New 2012 on 7/6/2013. You would think as it gets closer to seeing 2014 you might be able to get a tiny bit more off.
Thanks so much for all the input. It's sounding like $7500 OTD is pretty jacked up - especially since even the notorious California has better deals.

Humor me and throw out some numbers? Would should I offer for a 2012?
I would agree, 7500 is a bit much for a 2012, when 2014 is just around the corner really. I paid 8 flat OTD TT&L included, was it a bit high then, maybe, but its my first bike, Im young(19 at purchase) and got 0% financing if paid off soon. Which as of one year later its done bam.
When I was looking at the 2012 the prices in my neck of California were between 6 and 7k. The low prices were the high volume dealers. If they want the sale they'll go lower.

Sent while running with scissors.
I bought a brand new 2011 in July 2012, so about the same thing you're asking, for:

Base Price: $5,379
Freight: $368
Assembly: $192
Doc Fee: $229
Tax: $432

TOTAL OTD: $6,600

I'm in Atlanta, GA.
I'd start around the $6500 OTD mark, that's where I started when I bought mine in March (not the best time of year to work a deal in WI), I ended up conceding a little bit.

Good point on the gear, gear usually has a pretty good markup, so they don't mind giving you a deal since they can probably still make some money.
A weird question, I know. But as I'm playing dealers off against each other (and they are rarely completely honest) - I figured having a good understanding of what they have to work with would be a good idea. Obviously this will vary from state to state with taxes (Seattle has a hefty 10%). I've been getting quotes for new 2012's for $7500 otd - but I can tell there is wiggle room. I don't want to lowball anyone, but I would like to know what is realistic in terms of a good deal, and how much is a fair price for them to be making off of it. Thanks.

It's all about supply and demand :) my 12 OTD with extended warranty was 7500 OTD. it was hard pressed to find a new 12 on the floor anywhere in houston, let alone a white 2012. I found one, they wanted 8200 OTD. told them to remove there over priced freight fee's, and assembly fee's. They did. Walked out with a bike I wanted, at a price I could afford :)

I bought my 2012 FZ6R with $5000 MSRP OTD price was about 6300ish in ny

6300 is great, about 700 less than me OTD but I don't think your going to find that at every dealer.

If your ready to buy just walk in and say ill take it right now for 6500 OTD and be willing to go 7000 max out the door everything included. Having bought numerous cars that a fair amount off sticker considering its only an 8k bike and not a 40k car.
