
  1. D

    new phone

    so, I'm in the process of switching my number over to my new phone... republic wireless, moto G 16G phone! I've found an annoyance and it jumped out at me within the first few seconds of setting the phone up... I know I can learn to live with it... but... WTF do the new android phones put the...
  2. L

    Hi, "kinda of" new member

    Hi all, I'm Brenda (aka lytehouse). I joined the FZ6 site in Nov. 2007 and the FZ1 site in June 2010. Currently, I run the Bike of the Month contests on both sites and I had mentioned to Admin about starting it over here if members wanted it. So I am volunteering to do that, if you all would like.
  3. Bert-Aus

    "This is the New Yomohar R3" watch Colin Edwards cheesy-as promo vid Introducing the all-new YZF-R3 - YouTube "Com'on don't hold out on me I know thar is somthin back there"
  4. B

    Newbie Small Crash Today =O(

    I had a low side slide going around a corner after an intersection on my New to Me 2011 FZ6R....It was more embarrassing than hurtful. I did knock my left signal off (not broken) it still works when u plug the connector up. I have some sciffs on the side and some on the left fairings. It bentu...
  5. L

    And so it begins again...

    Another job change and move.... Look out Cincinnati...I am coming back!
  6. R

    Misc gear/accessories for sale

    deleted post.
  7. Satin Black is Back

    Satin Black is Back

    My version of the 2011 Fz6r
  8. sweet spring in the down south

    sweet spring in the down south

    just put some reflective stripes and frame slider on. feeling a little jazzy today.
  9. new bike

    new bike

  10. new bike

    new bike

  11. new bike

    new bike

  12. B

    Top reasons for not waving back!!!

    Top Reasons Why Harley Riders Don't Wave Back 8- Raising the arm could be considered a form of exercise. 7- They're afraid it will void the warranty. 6- Leather and studs make it too heavy to raise their arms. 5- They refuse to wave to anyone whose bike is already paid for. 4- They are...
