Search results

  1. Z

    Mesh, textile, leather? what?

    So I've been shopping for gear, and I'm fairly sure that leather will be way too hot for me most of the time, as nice as it is. i will surely end up having at least one, just the same. but for now, i'm looking for the best all around jacket that i'll actually make the most use of, even when...
  2. Z

    Woot, full license!

    So last summer I bought my 2013 FZ6R and put around 4000km on her during my first season. Only problem was that with a "learners license", I always needed an accompanying rider - not allowed to ride by myself. Royal pain in the ***, such a stupid rule. Until yesterday when I passed my road test...
  3. Z

    road trips on your fz?

    Curious to hear about your experiences doing road trips on this bike. Mine is going in for her very first tune-up this week, and while I am not likely to do a road trip this season, I am definitely doing one next summer. Based on how pleased I was with my several 10-12+ hour days of riding...
  4. Z

    best storage and security solutions for apartment dwellers?

    So I just wanted to get my bike ASAP, did not want to wait until next season. I was able to get that done, but now I have to figure out the storage and security, no more putting it off. I don't have a designated parking spot, and there is no indoor parking to rent in my building. I am...
  5. Z

    got my bike.. no owner's manual!?

    Hey everyone! Got my white 2013 FZ6R a couple days ago: Goes without saying that I love it. It's amazing! It's my first bike, I'm pretty happy with my choice (was looking at the SV650 at first). Has everything I need, more than enough power to...
