Recent content by Boolag

  1. B

    No more rabbit ears! MIRRORS MIRRORS

    I've ordered a set of Imola Round Bar end mirrors..once they'd fitted, I'll try posting a pic.
  2. B

    Accident Scene Management course.

    By Blocking do you mean stopping the flow of traffic or do you mean creating a safe zone? Over here only the police have the power to stop traffic, first responders can only warn oncoming drivers of the hazard ahead, if some idiot wants to ignore the guy standing by a bike warning folks of the...
  3. B

    Accident Scene Management course.

    I should elaborate that I'm basing my statement solely on what my instructors at asma told us, so there is a risk I may be talking a load of crud. I hope that their wrong. But they were quite adamant as to the level of training medics get in regard to motorcycle accidents...quite basic and...
  4. B

    Accident Scene Management course.

    Cheers for that, I bothered to watch the combat gauze instructional video several times before getting the stuff..I know it's not really enough training but it's better than not having a clue. We were taught to ignore road rash totally-leave it to the professionals..and concentrate on the urgent...
  5. B

    Accident Scene Management course.

    I believe the medics and hospital staff are fully trained in jaw thrust etc..but in Aussie the big focus is heart attacks. There was a senior Aussie paramedic who did the ASMA course despite being totally skeptical. In hindsight after completing the dude was shocked by the lack of specialist...
  6. B

    Accident Scene Management course.

    I wish I was kidding mate, in Aussie it's all about CPR and the concept that if someone is not breathing their heart must have stopped. Totally flawed logic..but motorcyclists here are treated with contempt by many with decision making powers. We had to do the Certificate 2 first aid course as...
  7. B

    Accident Scene Management course.

    Imteresting..any specific reasons why? Just out of curiosity.
  8. B

    Accident Scene Management course.

    The best parts of the course for my partner and I were obviously: the helmet removal, of which the single person method was of the most use for us recently.. And how to apply rescue breathing without killing the patient. In Australia, first aiders are told about the Jaw thrust method..but no...
  9. B

    Accident Scene Management course.

    Actual, the Accident Scene Management course was founded in the U.S. by Vicki Sanfelipo in 1996. It's got about 20,000 members in the states, so I'm surprised you haven't heard of it.
  10. B

    Getting rid or hiding the "jewel" on the headlight.

    Bang on the money mate.
  11. B

    Getting rid or hiding the "jewel" on the headlight.

    Rest of the bike is fine though.
  12. B

    Getting rid or hiding the "jewel" on the headlight.

    I lowsided my bike and the impact killed the jewel light..problem solved.
  13. B

    Why don't police wear gear?

    Here in Victoria, Australia, the motorbike cops wear leather pants and textile hi-via Armoured jackets.
  14. B

    How much did you pay for your FZ6R?

    Au$12,000 in 2010 for a model of the same year, then 13 months later Swann Insurance got me a 2011 model as a replacement when I wrote the old girl off.
  15. B

    I Need Help Choosing-Knee/Shin Guards

    I wear EVS knee/shin guards over my trousers. They can be a bit of a pain as I need to readjust them to sit good when I get on the bike. But other than that, I've had them on during three at 80kmh and two at 40-50kmh, no injuries to my knees or shins, although the plastic knee...
