The most irritating thing about riding


New Member
This happened to me 3 times this weekend. Pull up to a stop light and it will not register your bike so it skips your turn because there are no cars to trigger the sensor. Then to make it even more frustrating when a car does finally pull up behind you and they wont roll up onto the sensors and then we are both sitting there. I have run a few reds (very safely) because of this. Not to mention all the times I am waving the person behind me to pull up or yelling pull up. I usually pull up into the cross walk just to make sure the person behind me will pull up far enough to trigger it and that still doesn't always do it. Someone said to put magnets on the bottom of the bike but that did not work, I think ours here are weight triggered but could be wrong.
I believe when this happens to bikes you aren't actually running the red illegally, it's a lesser known fact and an understanding cop hopefully has heard of it. just don't go speeding off upset getting police attention to pull you over :cool:
Not that this will help you, but in the State of Washington there is a law that is being passed about this. It passed the house and just the senate last week. The governor should sign it into law soon.

The law states that if you are riding a motorcycle and the light skips you more than once, you are allowed to go through a red light.

So maybe you and fellow riders, from your state, can present this to your state legislator that another state passed a law and you want it also.

Here is the link for the bill:

SB 5141 - 2013-14
A few things to try:

1. Drop your kick stand directly onto the loop. The metal from it can trigger the sensor.

2. Kill the motor, then start it again. The magnetic field created by the starter can also trigger them some times.

3. Buy some high power neodymium magnets and hot glue them to the inside lowest point of the fairings or even on the bottom side of the swing arm. Their magnetic field can also trigger the sensor.

Thanks Jon, I will try #1 and #2. I tried to buy some magnets someone else suggested and glued them right on the bottom of the black plastic piece that is in front and between the two fairings and no luck with that.

can you confirm the local ones are triggered by magnetic field and not weight or some other manner?
I did have luck with a magnet that I purchased specifically at a Yamaha dealer for this and it seamed to make the lights I always have trouble with go green after I bought that magnet. Kinda pricy but it was worth it

Thanks JT, any link?
Not that this will help you, but in the State of Washington there is a law that is being passed about this. It passed the house and just the senate last week. The governor should sign it into law soon.

The law states that if you are riding a motorcycle and the light skips you more than once, you are allowed to go through a red light.

So maybe you and fellow riders, from your state, can present this to your state legislator that another state passed a law and you want it also.

Here is the link for the bill:

SB 5141 - 2013-14

you made me do a little research. apparently 7 states now have motorcycle red light laws. california went another way in making you put in sensors that will detect motorcycles on all NEW traffic stops but that doesnt do anything for the many already in service.
Here in Illinois we can now go through after waiting a "reasonable amount of time". What a reasonable amount of time is, of course, up to the cop and/or the prosecuting attorney. Just make sure you have your GoPro or what ever rolling at the time. :D
They usually work by induction.

I thought for sure you would chime in with the law on running a red here :)
this is interesting, im sure that must be whats around here. I must have made that whole weight thing up in my head lol. Although all our patterns in the asphalt are hex or octogons I don't know if that matters. Wonder why my magnet doesn't work, not big enough I guess? JT's looks a lot bigger, mine was like half a stick of gum.
JT's looks bigger? Sounds like a problem. TWSS FTW!

yea alright I walked into that one :) "The Magnet in the link JT posted is larger than the one I put on my bike"
of course mine is bigger!!! bahahahahaha

The only thing of yours that's bigger is your Ego :D
well and your spending habits lol

How could anyone there ever be prosecuted for running a red light, when the system clearly is dysfunctional ?

Where I live, my aluminium push bike will trigger the traffic lights, and the only steel is in the hubs and crank bearings.

Clearly there is a technical problem with the red light sensors there, probably not enough loops, loops aren't big enough or the signal processing sucks, how hard is it to detect a change in inductance thru a coil ? Even a cheap FM radio does it accurately with no problem. (by detecting the change in frequency patterns).

I suppose getting a magnet is easier than getting pulled over and queried and later arguing about the stupid sensors in court.
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