Extreme Conditions Oil Thread...


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Time to shake things up for the hard core gamers.

It's 10 below 0 outside & you keep your bike either outside or in the garage but you say screw it, Your going to brave the conditions & go for a ride even though if you throw water in the air it turns to snow before it hits the ground. Your a hard core gamer!

What Oil would you want in the bike?

as i sit here in 80 degrees i can't help but think that if you go out in 10 below zero period, never mind on your bike, that "hard core gamers" is a bit of an understatement. Do they make like a 1w10 ? :)
Yes absolutely. Riding a motorcycle and working outside are two different stories.

agreed, dont see to many people "working" outdoors riding at 40-60 mph with no protection. In fact you dont see too many people outdoor working at all in -10 degrees unless its like the airport or mail men or something. However ours stay in the car.
What no one looked at the link I put up? :banghead:
Seems that 10w at -25C = -13F is good but 5w (-30C = -22F) would be my choice.
