Random pic of the day

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New Member
First time seeing Air Force One in person. Saw it as I was turning out of corner of my eye and turned around to see if it was true.


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New Member
Yeah our useless craptard of a president is probably playing golf on one of his many vacations instead of doing his job.

Brock Kickass

New Member
I'm Canadian, so American politics is sort of like football to be; it's interesting to know the gist of what's happening but really means squat to me. That said, I know the President is Barack Obama, and I am fairly certain he would find you to be a "Craptard" as well. I'm not going to say who is right or who is wrong, but I'm inclined to believe those who have demonstrated more personal and professional success in their lives, as that success is usually a tangible result of hard work and sound judgement. And what, pray tell, do you happen to do for a living?


New Member
What I do for a living does not mater. Just Know that I make enough to survive. I now make considerably less than I used to due to the current presidents policies. With that less money going to those undeserving. Maybe undeserving is a bit harsh but its true. Being former military I now also see 10% less per year in the benefits that I earned serving my country on top of what is already being taken out of my normal paycheck to pay for those without the desire or the ability to better themselves. So I have to pay for them.
If you do the research on the past 20 Presidents not just the previous 2 that everyone compares Mr Obama to. He has done less to help the people and more to effect the already down hill spiral in a negative way. He takes the credit for others work and efforts. Apologizes to the enemy. Welcomes the Illegal. Supports the corrupt and violates Constitutional Law.
So while I agree He may see me as a craptard in his eyes. I in all my efforts Have bettered myself, supported others, protected the weary and stood up for the weak. I have seen my fair share of hardships in my 33 years of existance. I have broken my back, been paralyzed and hospitalized for a year. I have come back from that to walk again and start my current career over from scratch. All On my own and NOT ONCE, NOT ONCE have I relied ON the government or HAVE I EVER whined and complained that the government owes me more.
So my friend and fellow Canadian(I am a duel citizen)You be the judge on my anger and resolution of my disdain toward my current Commander-in-Chiefof the USA

Brock Kickass

New Member
So take it to a forum on politics. The current administration has exactly F-A to do with this thread.


Neat pic of AF1, btw, no matter who is or isn't on it.


New Member
Oh boy didn't want to stir things up lol I was just excited about seeing the plane haha


New Member
Oh boy didn't want to stir things up lol I was just excited about seeing the plane haha

Not your fault. It was an innocent enough post. Some people with an ax to grind will take any opportunity to espouse their political beliefs and vent their spleens. I encounter one or two at every family gathering:)


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New Member
I'm Canadian, so American politics is sort of like football to be; it's interesting to know the gist of what's happening but really means squat to me. That said, I know the President is Barack Obama, and I am fairly certain he would find you to be a "Craptard" as well. I'm not going to say who is right or who is wrong, but I'm inclined to believe those who have demonstrated more personal and professional success in their lives, as that success is usually a tangible result of hard work and sound judgement. And what, pray tell, do you happen to do for a living?

I'm not going to weigh in here, politically, because I sometimes ride with one of the participants in this thread (and I enjoy the rides).
However, I *did* want to weigh in on your logic. Personal and professional success is not necessarily the result of hard work, and certainly not always sound judgement. Cases in point:

Kim Jong-un
Paris Hilton
Pol Pot
Kim Kardashian
Joseph Stalin
Jacqueline Mars
Chiang Kai-shek
etc. I know you get the gist...

Bit of trivia: Obama wouldn't be President (wouldn't even have been a senator) if Jeri Ryan decided to go along with her then hubby's (then leading senate candidate Jack Ryan) sexual requests, instead of divorcing him... The sealed documents from their divorce were mysteriously unsealed and leaked... and he voluntarily dropped out of his leading position in the senate race, and Obama won the seat. The rest is history...

To the OP... Very cool seeing Air Force One. I once saw Marine One on a business trip to DC (it's a helo) during the Bush administration. Not as amazing as the Preso's VC-25 (747). It will shortly be replaced by either the 747-8 or the 787 Dreamliner... Not sure if a choice has been made yet...

Brock Kickass

New Member
I'm not going to weigh in here, politically, because I sometimes ride with one of the participants in this thread (and I enjoy the rides).

However, I *did* want to weigh in on your logic. Personal and professional success is not necessarily the result of hard work, and certainly not always sound judgement. Cases in point:

Kim Jong-un

Paris Hilton

Pol Pot

Kim Kardashian

Joseph Stalin

Jacqueline Mars

Chiang Kai-shek



etc. I know you get the gist...

Touché. I have no rebuttal.


New Member


AF1 was at NASNI in coronado awhile back. cant take pictures though, at least not here


New Member
Bit of trivia: Obama wouldn't be President (wouldn't even have been a senator) if Jeri Ryan decided to go along with her then hubby's (then leading senate candidate Jack Ryan) sexual requests, instead of divorcing him... The sealed documents from their divorce were mysteriously unsealed and leaked... and he voluntarily dropped out of his leading position in the senate race, and Obama won the seat. The rest is history...

So we have a prude to thank for our current POTUS? :rof:


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New Member
First time seeing Air Force One in person. Saw it as I was turning out of corner of my eye and turned around to see if it was true.

Dude you live In Hawaii, Airforce one is there about every month since Obama took office. And each trip only cost the taxpayer about 10 mil.

wasnt an opinion was a fact
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