and so the winter blues begins....

What is the low temp for Cali? Last year we hit 4 in Maryland before wind chill.

Yeah man, gets miiiiighty chilly down here at times too. Hoping I can ride on into late november, maybe early december, before it gets to be too much. Need to acquire some long johns...early mornings with just jeans is flippin' COLD!
It's freakin snowing right now... Light and not sticking, but its snowing. AHHHH!!!!

38 degrees for me, you win ;)

I don't have heated gear. Once the temp stays in the 30s and 40s consistently, or drops below 30, I stop riding. My bike slid out last year around 30. I lack all sense of confidence at these temps and basically try to ride the bike straight up. No use riding when I'm afraid of sliding out and freezing my b@lls off.
Good thinking! the point for me of riding is to have fun. No fun to be had once the temp drops too low, and for me that's around 60! :)

what is this winterizing you speak of??? lol
AMEN BROTHER!, Don't have to worry about our pipes freezing or oil turning into a popsicle :)
What is the low temp for Cali? Last year we hit 4 in Maryland before wind chill.
4 what, degrees????? HOLY S*** I would die instantly. I don't know what our record low is but here in so cal it very rarely would hit say 40 during the middle of the night. Even at 55 or 60 average winter temp im still looking at some heated gear lol
Record Lowest Temperatures by State |

Colder there than in VA, but we also don't have deserts or bigger mountains like the Rockies here. That's just general, by state, though.

wow that's crazy those are some loooooww temps. I of course was speaking about the city areas. if you travel up the mountain to big bear or mt. baldy it gets plenty cold. I have actually been up in the snow in the mountains in the morning and then down at the beach in the sun on the same day. The location with this rec. temp is up by Lake Tahoe which does get very cold but that's also about over 500 miles from L.A.
29F this morning when I left for work... The heated gear is keeping me toasty! Literally, I think my shirt smelled a little fried all day long. Maybe shouldn't turn it up quite as high as I had it... :) I'm desperately trying to get to say I rode to work in November, we'll see how it goes.
What is the low temp for Cali? Last year we hit 4 in Maryland before wind chill.

I pulled this up on the average temp. The record low or high temps don't mean much, our record low was back in 1932 (28F).

The coldest month we have is December, the average temp during the day in December is 67.7 degrees with the average temp at night being 47.5
I actually live in the valley outside the city which is usually about 5-10 hotter than the city which is really close to the ocean.

The average for Baltimore is 45 during the day and 28 at night.
Cool weather here in Houston would be a nice change. Winter is the only time you get to ride without sweating like a raped ape!
-15(c) here today and snow......almost snowboard time!!!:D:D
Will be living vicariously through you all till Spring (fingers crossed late May/early June)
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