Going to Cave and get it lowered..


New Member
I've been avoiding this for a while but I think I'm going to have to get my bike lowered. I went to stop the other day and had a "Holy S***" moment lol. I want to be able to flatfoot on the bike..

I'm like 1/2 inch - 1 inch too short. Right now i usually end up riding with Nike Shocks. Not a huge fan of boots. I called a local shop here and they said they can get me a lowering kit for $55 and the install costs $120.

Lowering kit the best approach?

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Should wear proper riding boots...

Lowering would be my last resort. If you can get the balls of your feet down, you are good. No reason to double flat foot it.

My suggestion would be to lower the front of the bike a little bit. Say 1/4" - 1/2" by sliding the forks up in the triple. Bike will handle better in corners as well as a result.

If that is not enough, have your seat shaved/reshaped.
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What is a "see" shave/reshaped? And where can I get one, it sounds fun? :D
Pop off the front seat and take the 4 rubber grommets off, that will lower the seat down a little bit, this might just be enough for you!

Didnt think of that... Also, make sure your seat is in the low position and not in the raised position.
let me know

Let me know if you do it and how it goes. I was going to do it but everyone talked me out of it. Saying it affected the handling and that you had to lower the front as well as the kit. (which my dealer said 1.75" was all that was available and $100 for part and $100 for labor). Im going to try that remove the gromit thing see if that helps. Id also like to get the seat shaved but its not the most comfortable to begin with. I can get both balls down and would like to be able to get both flat but to be honest im not even sure it would help that much. if you come to an oh shit moment and its going I think its just too damn heavy for me to stop even if I was flatfooted.
remove height adjuster altogether

I took out the height adjuster altogether and its much better. I did have it on the low setting and found I was mid-ball/tip toe when putting both feet down together (does that make sense? lol). Without the height adjuster in I can now stand flat-footed on both sides at same time and have enough bend in my knee to take the weight if I need to. The seat is a little loose but as soon as I sit on it my weight holds the seat down and in place and doesnt move whatsoever when on it.....good luck:)
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Man you guys are short. but yeah, shave your seat or lower the settings. ooooooorrrrrrrrr buy some riding boots. itll save you money and skin in the long run
your right

your right we are short, I have boots with big *** heels and still would love for it to be another inch shorter. What happens when you take the height adjust thing out? no problems?
How tall are you and what's your inseam?

The FZ6R has an adjustable seat height. You can adjust it a bit and see if that helps. But, definitely get full length riding boots. That'll give u an inch.

I can't flat foot both sides on my bikes either. So I just flat foot one side and push my bike in & out of parking spaces. Been doing it this way almost 4 years and it's been ok.
Ugh lol..I guess I'll head to the store and try on some riding boots and see if that can finish the gap.

Whoever said they were half on there tipy toes and half on the ball of there foot..I'm like in the same position as you! I'm so close lol!

Damn height disadvantage. I'll try to take a picture of the gap and get back to you.

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 4
Ugh lol..I guess I'll head to the store and try on some riding boots and see if that can finish the gap.

Whoever said they were half on there tipy toes and half on the ball of there foot..I'm like in the same position as you! I'm so close lol!

Damn height disadvantage.

Can I ask how tall/short are you? I'm 5'8".... I was riding half tippy toes half ball of feet when stopped. Now without the height adjuster I'm flat footed both sides and its way better for me. I usually only have left foot down and right foot on brake when stopped but I like to have both feet firmly on ground when manoeuvring to park or move when engines not on. And I like to sit fairly close to tank. I think my inseam is 31"....
your right we are short, I have boots with big *** heels and still would love for it to be another inch shorter. What happens when you take the height adjust thing out? no problems?

Ive had no problems or issues. The seat is a little loose when you touch it but when sat down your weight holds seat in place and doesn't move at all
Man you guys are short. but yeah, shave your seat or lower the settings. ooooooorrrrrrrrr buy some riding boots. itll save you money and skin in the long run

How short is short? Sounds like a new thread to be started ....rider stats! Lmao
I'm 5'8" bare feet.... So not short for female but not tall either I guess!!

Im about 5'5 and I can get both balls of my feet down good with my riding boots on, but they don't offer much in the way of height on the balls of your feet, its all on the heel. I do hate backing up that's really the only thing that bothers me, and like I said the bike is about 3.3 times my weight so... I am going to try and take out the plastic height adjuster when I get home and see if that does anything. Mine is definitely in the lower position, it was the first thing I did when I got home after buying it. I checked websites and they said lower was the standard but I kept hoping my dealer had raised it up and I would be able to just drop it down, wishful thinking :)

has anyone tried the eddie barret place for having your seat lowered or added the gel for comfort or anything?
Where an or how you lower the seat? only 5.2 :/, Girl LOL I can get my feet down but still not flat, Almost the balls of my feet, I only have issue backing the bike up..
Where an or how you lower the seat? only 5.2 :/, Girl LOL I can get my feet down but still not flat, Almost the balls of my feet, I only have issue backing the bike up..

Take the seat off and remove the height adjustment link altogether, this will help!!
