Adjusting rear shock


New Member
I had problems adjusting rear shock last night. Is on the factory set up 4. I'm trying to put on 7. Tried to use the tool and looking at the manual. I don't know if I'm hooking up wrong, or couldn't understand the picture. but I couldn't rotate the dial at all. Any tips?
[ame=]HD How-to Adjust rear-spring preload on a Yamaha FZ6R - and test ride - YouTube[/ame]
really want to make the jump all the way from 4 to 7?
To each their own but I would consider smaller increments.

I started at stock 3.. Too soft.
I figured for my weight at the time I would go up to 7.. WAY too hard.
I put it at either a 5 or 6, I forget what it is now and that was perfect for me for comfort and control.
Now that I have lost over 25 lbs this yr so far, I am tempted to try 1 click down again, or just wait till I hit 30-35 lost..

I've being riding on 3 and don't feel a problem at all. But I've being reading everywhere that due to my weight It should be on 7. So I wanna try.
I'm 180lb. Bumped it up to 5, and happy.
No wonder my bike whimpers when I get on...bumping up to 5 to see what happens.
I'm about 210 lbs with gear and I just bumped it up to 6 and I like it.
