Midnight in Alaska/ New bike intro


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That was a very nice video, the view is breathtaking and you have a very sweet bike!
Thanks for sharing the video with all the beautiful scenery!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Casey (aka) Hunter77!
Noice meng! Looks beautiful up there! I got mountains, but no agua out this way. The bike's lookin' killer, too. You should take a ride-along video so we can see some more of that awesomeness when ya snag a cam. :D
Hey Nastybutler, beautiful bike and neat video. I'll be in Anchorage (Whittier) on August 4 for the day (Saphire Princess). Have never seen Alaska up close qnd personal before, and really looking forward to it :) ! I've got all the usual tourist propaganda . . but some 'tips' from a 'local' about any 'hidden treasures' would make me look like a genious with my traveling mates ;-)
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I'm also sorry I can't figure out how to embed the videos into my posts so you don't have to click through. If someone could educate me on the correct way to do that, I'll gladly change it. :eek:

You have to use the "long link" format - if you click the share button under your video, then the "options" it'll give you a checkbox for long link. The shorter "youtu.be" links won't embed, you need to full "youtube.com" link:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m5wJB6UrqWQ]Midnight Solstice Intro - YouTube[/ame]
Sweet! I hope the weather cooperates for you. From what I hear BC is just as, if not more, nice. I'd offer to meet you there, but I'll be at work that day.

Yes, you're right about British Columbia, I should really do a ride just to photograph the area where I live and post them on here. It's stunningly beautiful everywhere you look. I've lived in Canada all my life, I'm retired now, and have visited every Province coast to coast . . but never traveled to the north country so this cruise will help me check off another item on the old bucket list. People keep telling us that the sight AND sounds of the glaciers is amazing!
Made a little video tonight. Please excuse my lack of editing. This video is just the raw footage since I have no editing software. Once I break down and get either a GoPro or Contour camera, I'll get a proper editing setup.

Summer Solstice - New Bike Intro

Thanks to Boss_601 for the explanation.

P.S. You should wear headphones or have very good speakers to really appreciate the sound of the exhaust.

sooo jealous! my brother in law lives in anchorage!!! I would love to have that daylight!!! i work graveyard and basically im up at 3-4pm and get about 2 hours of daylight riding before dusk which sucks cause if im stuck out i have to come home and put my night helmet on (my visor isnt interchangable) and I dont favor riding at night, too afraid of hitting pedestrians, its a real problem in vegas. Beautiful triumph too!!!!! I saw it in purple once, awwww /drool!!!!

grats on the bike!!!

p.s. it sounds mean!!!!!!!!
Man, that's beautiful...

(bike's pretty nice, too... ;) ).

Ok first off WOW! WOW to the beautiful view, WOW to the fact that it is still that light at 12:30 at night, and WOW to the sound of those cans.

Thank you for that video and I hope you grace us with more videos like that one NastyB. I do hope to go to Alaska one day.
