How long will you stay with your FZ6R?

Sort've hate and love the bike at the same time. Hate it mainly for aesthetic reasons, and love it due to its comfort. Only bought it since everyone was begging me not to get a gsxr 1000 or an r1. Im a beginner, and I suppose for a first bike it was an ok choice. Still cant wait for a gsxr one day..
Sort've hate and love the bike at the same time. Hate it mainly for aesthetic reasons, and love it due to its comfort. Only bought it since everyone was begging me not to get a gsxr 1000 or an r1. Im a beginner, and I suppose for a first bike it was an ok choice. Still cant wait for a gsxr one day..

The FZ6R was my first street bike, I crammed in 8,000 miles seat time in 6 months to get my feet wet, I loved that bike and was sad when I traded her in. But, I wanted a 600SS all along, and went the prudent route and 'trained' on the more appropriate FZ6R. I didn't have any particular 6month agenda, but I knew I was ready to move up, I stopped by a couple of shops and next thing ya know I had swapped bikes (traded in the FZ6R for what I owed on it).

Just ride the piss out of the FZ6R, then when you can honestly say you are using all of its power on a regular basis, then start shopping around, but I would go 600 or 750 gixxer next, a 1K gixxer is a pretty big step up.
The FZ6R was my first street bike, I crammed in 8,000 miles seat time in 6 months to get my feet wet, I loved that bike and was sad when I traded her in. But, I wanted a 600SS all along, and went the prudent route and 'trained' on the more appropriate FZ6R. I didn't have any particular 6month agenda, but I knew I was ready to move up, I stopped by a couple of shops and next thing ya know I had swapped bikes (traded in the FZ6R for what I owed on it).

Just ride the piss out of the FZ6R, then when you can honestly say you are using all of its power on a regular basis, then start shopping around, but I would go 600 or 750 gixxer next, a 1K gixxer is a pretty big step up.

Dude your absolutely right, 750 might suit me a bit more then a liter bike. And like you, definitely not on agenda to get rid of it, but tune my skills a bit I guess. Only have 1000 miles on mine since yesterday. It is a fun bike just pisses me off sometimes when I look at it and doesn't look aggressive. Worst part is I'm 6'4 250's so I sortve look like a gorilla humping a football lol. But I look pretty decent on a gsxr lol.
I've had my 09 new since October 2010 - just rolled over 10,000 miles today. After I pay off my truck I'll start looking for a Ninja 1000 but until then the FZ6R is just fine.
As soon as i can afford an R6 :) haha. My beloved fz6r is trashed and i dont know if it can be repaired :( if i can i will use it to comute or give it to my sister for her 1st bike and lower it a bit for her.

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For all of you saying you'll keep your 6R until it falls apart, you'll be giving that bike to someone. You'll be too old to ride before your Yamaha falls to bits. :)
I kept mine for 2 summers, 20 000km. I had the itch to move up after 1 year, 10 000km, but the money didn't work. I loved my 6R and would recommend it to anyone interested. I like having more power and better handling now, but I miss commuting on my 6R. I spend more on fuel now than when I drove a Honda Civic.
