Car hits bike recorded on helmet cam


New Member
Good thing she was wearing gear.Probably still got whip lash though.
[ame=]Collision of car and motorcycle recorded on HelmetCam - YouTube[/ame]
WOW!! I'm surprised she's not hurt worse or at all! Very lucky!!

Soooo scary, but she should have turned into the inside lane and not gone all the way over to the outside lane. The guy in the car was going extremely fast for her to pull in front of him like that. But, from what it looks like, she may not be all that comfortable riding or not that good at it. Regardless... Yikes.
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WOW!! I'm surprised she's not hurt worse or at all! Very lucky!!

Soooo scary, but she should have turned into the inside lane and not gone all the way over to the outside lane. The guy in the car was going extremely fast for her to pull in front of him like that. But, from what it looks like, she may not be all that comfortable riding or not that good at it. Regardless... Yikes.

I was thinking the same things. Why so wide, and you can tell she's not proficient at riding.
WOW!! I'm surprised she's not hurt worse or at all! Very lucky!!

Soooo scary, but she should have turned into the inside lane and not gone all the way over to the outside lane. The guy in the car was going extremely fast for her to pull in front of him like that. But, from what it looks like, she may not be all that comfortable riding or not that good at it. Regardless... Yikes.

Agreed. She didn't look like she was paying much attention pulling out. Also seemed like driver was late to notice though.

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Scary! Lucky! And One complete ASSHOLE, JACKASS driving the car! I would have kicked his ass! Hope she is ok though!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Casey (aka) Hunter77!
I dunno.. She had to of known she was a noob rider... I full screened this video and watched it in slow motion... she should not have made that turn in the first place.. and that whole intersection and how they took it was crappy..

Really glad she's okay tho... but its like.. wow... and I cannot believe they took her helmet off.. thats fricking stupid! Never take that crap off until an EMT gets on scene! sheesh!
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I'm not sure I would have rushed to move her and take off her helmet like that. The chance of having some neck or back injuries are obviously high in an accident like that. Call the EMT's and let them do their job.
I dunno.. She had to of known she was a noob rider... I full screened this video and watched it in slow motion... she should not have made that turn in the first place.. and that whole intersection and how they took it was crappy..

Really glad she's okay tho... but its like.. wow... and I cannot believe they took her helmet off.. thats fricking stupid! Never take that crap off until an EMT gets on scene! sheesh!

that is exactly what I was thinking. someone should have stayed with here, left her helmet on, vent open and "C-spined" her until paramedics arrived.
Please get trained, y'all.
also, she technically is guilty of "failure to maintain lane".

she seems ok, that's what counts.
I honestly can't blame the cage driver one bit, she pulled out in front of him, and I don't think he was going super fast, the car looked like it only skidded maybe 50ft and the bike maybe equal. If her partner who obviously saw the car wouldn't have pulled out in front of the car as well the car might have been able to swerve and avoid the collision, if he was quick to react. But since the other bike was in the way the CDs only option was the slam on brakes...
I'm not sure I would have rushed to move her and take off her helmet like that. The chance of having some neck or back injuries are obviously high in an accident like that. Call the EMT's and let them do their job.

Exactly although they did do a good job of patting to feel for any other injuries on the legs , the backpack should have been taken off gentle not ripped off and the helmet should have stayed on to act as sort of a stabilizer for her neck and spine.
Are you sure about that? It wasn't in the US, who knows what the law says where they were....

True. But even if it wasn't a law where they were at, that is still how people should drive/ride and others assume that's what they will do. Sure, the car should have been more alert, noticed by them not slowing down at all.

Unfortunately, I would still place blame on the believe to be new rider.
If it was the US they could also tack on failure to yield to oncoming traffic, but i dont think any cop in their right mind would right a ticket to someone who just got creamed like that
It looked to me like the driver of the car was assuming she'd stay in the left lane, so he didn't slow down at all. By the time he realized she'd pulled all the way across, he couldn't stop. Excessive speed and a bad judgement call by the car driver, but she shouldn't have pulled all the way over to the right lane. I call this one a draw. He was being an ass, but she should never have been in that lane.
I don't follow.. But it's kind of late here, so maybe it's me.

I also don't fault the rider. When she pulls out, you can see way up the road, the car was nowhere to be seen. And from the looks of the front end of the car, I'd say it wasn't the first time he smashed into someone/something.

Cameras are deceiving with distance. Guarantee he was closer than those shots make it look. He was already on them before she fully made the turn into that lane. Yes, he was probably going a bit fast, but it's not like she had much urgency in getting up to speed.
Is it just me or did the dude w/helmet cam wave to the car just before it went past. Kind of makes you wonder if his GF had cheated on him and he payed the cager to mow her down.

I would guess the car was doing ~50mph, and no you can't exactly see it before they pull out but when he checks back to the right you can see that POS cruising along. I agree, the helmet cam guy blocked the cars only escape bath, if he had gunned it and gotten behind the chick that car could have used the left lane to pass them both safely.

I would guess the car was doing ~50mph, I agree, the helmet cam guy blocked the cars only escape bath, if he had gunned it and gotten behind the chick that car could have used the left lane to pass them both safely.

Completely agree!!! Or the camera guy, since he obviously saw the car should have just stoped.

Also I've seen this happen quite a few times, never involving a bike but with cars, but there will be a line of cars waiting to merge or turn just like in this case and the first car goes, and the one behind it follows just because the first one went, not looking or caring if there is another car coming or if there is enough room but just assuming since the first one in line went that they can go too.
