Finally pulled the trigger...


New Member
...on purchasing an exhaust from Marthy. Looking forward to actually hearing something besides the buzzing plastics and engine ;)

Also thanks to CC for having an extra stock exhaust to ship @ a great price!


Super Moderator
Cool man! Hit us up with pics and sound clip when ya get it.


New Member
...on purchasing an exhaust from Marthy. Looking forward to actually hearing something besides the buzzing plastics and engine ;)

Also thanks to CC for having an extra stock exhaust to ship @ a great price!

Your welcome Kdubb anything to help :) Mr. Diluted has helped me accomplish a mod dream for me and without him it wouldnt have been possible and I do my best to forward that same kindness to others and help them out just as Diluted did for me. *BIG FZ6R GROUP HUG* hahahaha :Flash::Flash::Flash::Flash::Flash:



World Most Bad A$$ 6R
Elite Member


New Member
Nice to see the "Marthy" family is growing... I need to make the count... gotta be close to 12 soon, if not already!

Be ready to add another as soon as we get some money from the wedding haha. The future wifey won't mind me spending a few hundo on the scooter as long as we put the rest towards a house. If she kills me tho, someone rezz me please so I can be in a George A. Romero movie as a zombie biker. If she sells the bike, I'll have to munch someone's brains and gank their bike LoLz. Gracias in advance.

:Sport: :zombie:


New Member
Be ready to add another as soon as we get some money from the wedding haha. The future wifey won't mind me spending a few hundo on the scooter as long as we put the rest towards a house. If she kills me tho, someone rezz me please so I can be in a George A. Romero movie as a zombie biker. If she sells the bike, I'll have to munch someone's brains and gank their bike LoLz. Gracias in advance.

:Sport: :zombie:

Im sure someone here knows necromancy :zombie:


New Member
Welcome to the Marthy Motorcycle Exhaust Club! We're working on getting t-shirts made. Included in you membership is... awesomeness? And a sticker.


World Most Bad A$$ 6R
Elite Member


New Member
I was just thinking... I need a new video for my webpage. Something short, under 1 minute or so. Rolling clip would be great with some nice shifting thru the twisties...

Youtube clip kind of... Let's propose a few clip and we can vote for the best... So, who want to be featured...


If you've got an extra GoPro laying around I gotcha! :D

Oh wait... Forgot I live in Florida. No curves, just long, flat roads. Bummer.


New Member
If you've got an extra GoPro laying around I gotcha! :D

Oh wait... Forgot I live in Florida. No curves, just long, flat roads. Bummer.

you can always do a sound clip and add some fadded zooms so it sounds like turns being taken :cool:


New Member
I got my r6 headers in and an exhaust so I will be doing my exhaust mod soon. Plus I got some drag handlebars to try out. Its not a viper but good price and size. Just hope it sounds good2012-03-16_16-19-15_681.jpg


