Got pull over...

If i go through one of those red light camera lights i always give my bike a reach around and cover half my tag with my hand, but luckily there is only one of those around where I live
I was pulling out the apartment complex, when I got to the stop sign I almost stop, let the car drive by (I was barely rolling try to keep my balance holding the clutch...) and I turn and kept going. That fkr what hiding in the bushes with the radar gun. He pulled over the lady that drove by in front of me at the stop sign and me too. I stop and says "what???"

He made sure to tell me that I needed to be careful on the bike and make my stop sign so I don't hurt myself... no $hit! If I really wanted to blow the stop sign, I would have done it in style... like on 1 wheel or something like that.

But... since I didn't really have any good thing to say, I kept quite. Glad he didn't notice I never did my change of address... for 1 1/2 year. :spank:

I'll get it done this week... :zombie:
Marthy, how big of a fine? Most insurance companies will not bother to check your records if you're already their customer and just renewing at the end of the policy year. Your records matter much more if you're shopping for a new quoute.
Come to Chi Town. W have the worlds shortest yellows at the cameras. DON"T BLINK!

The cameras are purely revenue. Now we have a first.......Our Governor and Mayor have decided to put speed cameras around school zones and parks. This is "purely for the safety of kids" There were more kids killed by gunfire in the past 5 yrs on school grounds than injured by car crashes. WHOOOOOPS! Now people are going to be focusing on their speedos rather than focusing on the road watching for kids

To top it off Arizona, the state that started the speed cameras, is taking most of them down because they don't generate enough revenue any longer. People alter their habits. Only here the leaders of this fine state and city won't go by the results elsewhere.....its for the children. :rolleyes: :zombie::surrender:

True story on a red light citation I received. I was on my way home from work late in the night. I was ambushed in my personal car by two gangbangers who followed me and pulled a gun on me at a light. They began chasing me while I got on the horn to call 911. I blew a red light camera and got a ticket. They also blew the light as well. I contest the violation in person at a hearing. I have the police report, the arrest report as they ended up catching both guys and their truck ( an 89 Chevy Suburban ghetto raming machine). No joke they play the video at the hearing, the tape shows me blow it and then shows them chasing me with a gun clearly out the window in the same frame. I was told to pay up.......I was not in an emergency vehicle with light on. WTF. I appealed as well and lost that decesion. HOLY #$% :rant::rant: Everyone in the hearing room just walked out after that.
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Come to Chi Town. W have the worlds shortest yellows at the cameras. DON"T BLINK!

The cameras are purely revenue. Now we have a first.......Our Governor and Mayor have decided to put speed cameras around school zones and parks. This is "purely for the safety of kids" There were more kids killed by gunfire in the past 5 yrs on school grounds than injured by car crashes. WHOOOOOPS! Now people are going to be focusing on their speedos rather than focusing on the road watching for kids

To top it off Arizona, the state that started the speed cameras, is taking most of them down because they don't generate enough revenue any longer. People alter their habits. Only here the leaders of this fine state and city won't go by the results elsewhere.....its for the children. :rolleyes: :zombie::surrender:

True story on a red light citation I received. I was on my way home from work late in the night. I was ambushed in my personal car by two gangbangers who followed me and pulled a gun on me at a light. They began chasing me while I got on the horn to call 911. I blew a red light camera and got a ticket. They also blew the light as well. I contest the violation in person at a hearing. I have the police report, the arrest report as they ended up catching both guys and their truck ( an 89 Chevy Suburban ghetto raming machine). No joke they play the video at the hearing, the tape shows me blow it and then shows them chasing me with a gun clearly out the window in the same frame. I was told to pay up.......I was not in an emergency vehicle with light on. WTF. I appealed as well and lost that decesion. HOLY #$% :rant::rant: Everyone in the hearing room just walked out after that.

Damn..... I thought they were tuff down here.... My late grandfather got a red light ticket about a month before he passed, god rest his sole. Well 6 months later my grandma gets a letter saying this is the final notice with a $150 late fee attached for not paying on time, how are you supposed to pay on time when the city purposely doesn't send the first letter? Anyways she was just going to pay it but I told her that I would take care of it because she was obviously getting worked up since his recent passing. Well I called them explained the situation and they didn't give a damn, they tried to get me to pay it right then, they also tried to get me to come to court, finally after about a hour of being on the phone I was talking to the "manager" and he tried all the same stuff, so I got pissed and told them "GO AHEAD AND TRY TO COLLECT THIS FUCKIN FINE FROM A DEAD MAN, YOU HEARTLESS SONS OF BITCHES, IT AIN'T GONNA HAPPEN AND Y'ALL CAN'T DO SHIT TO ME CAUSE MY NAME ISN'T ON THE VIOLATION, SO Y'ALL CAN FUCK OFF AND DIE!!!!" I told my grandma I just paid it so she didn't worry about it....
Traffic school. There's an argument to be made that the infraction wasn't that serious, therefore the option to attend traffic school. Your insurance company should recognize that option, and the fact that you've "now" completed a motorist safety course!:banghead:
Good God, swatguy and Chevyfazer. That's enough to make someone go postal. Local governments run amuck. Sheesh.

I can think about it and laugh now but at the time....i was livid. I wish I recorded it, because some of the stuff they said was just plain stupid, like saying "sir if this fine is not paid the tag on the vehicle will be suspended along with mr. Rollins license" me " ok for the 5th time mr Rollins has passed away and the truck is sold, so go ahead and suspend a dead mans license, I'm sure he won't mind, and while your at it go ahead and cancel the tag too, my grandmother has been meaning to do that anyways since she sold the truck" them " sir I don't think you understand, if the fine is not paid we WILL SUSPEND not cancel the tag and his license" me " HOLY SH!T your kidding me right? What part of he passed away, and the truck was sold do you not under stand?" them " well if the truck was sold then mr. Rollins will need to bring a copy of the bill of sale into court and the judge will decide if he has to pay the fine" me "I think I need to speak with your manager"

Once on the phone with him it was simply just a repeat of the previous 2 people I had talked to, me explaining the situation and him trying to get me to pony up the money, and when I refused too, he tried to get me to come into court just like the other two did....
So, Marthy, whatchagonnado? :wav:

damn, down in key largo.... that's a bit south....

I'm over by fort myers.

Also, I haven't been to sleep in 24 hours so I'm not all here right now...........
Sounds like a stupid law, glad we don't have to come to a full stop in the UK.:eek:

We do at stop signs. Though unlike america we use roundabouts more along with give way rather than stop signs.

Stops in the uk are normally on zero vis junctions or where junctions are signal controlled.

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Send a check! :mad: Don't have time to go to school or go sit in a court house...

thatttt sucks
guess I've mad a good habit to stop and put my foot down, helps that there's about 5 stop signs from house to the freeway and the cops just LOVE camping them.
I see at least one person pulled a day, city has to be making some serious cash off of it too.

Sorry to hear that Marthy...I would fight it just to try and keep your good driving record!

I understand stop signs are there for every ones safety but seriously a rolling stop and being careful shouldn't be a ticket...not slowing down or disregarding the sign I can understand having to pay a heavy fine. I have a great respect for officers but some
traffic violations are just ridiculous, but in the end Ultimately the law is the law.
