Got pull over...


World Most Bad A$$ 6R
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No ticket?


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Yep, $166.00 :banghead::banghead::banghead:

Seriously?:eek: Wow, that a d-bag! Rolling through a stop seems like something he could have easily let slide. I guess someone had to make quota...


not trying to incite, but did you roll the stop sign?

There is one right by my place that people blow all the time, its a zero tolerance sign now, you get stopped you get a ticket.


Well-Known Member
wow, i got a written warning and the cop followed me doing a rolling stop through 6 on the way to the train station to pick a friend up...


World Most Bad A$$ 6R
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World Most Bad A$$ 6R
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Last time I got a BS ticket (cager) I came across the same thing as you, great driving record, so now how to handle this ticket.

I hear if you go to court and the cop doesnt show up, it gets tossed, so thats one hope

What I did was call one of those guys that go there for you....I had to pay his fee and in the end still had to pay the price of the tickets, BUT points did not go on my license and i didnt have to go to school, so just a hurt on my pocket but not my history....

Just a thought...


Well-Known Member
I have a very good driving record, until this morning. So now the question is... I have 3 options.
1- I just pay it and it hurt 10 minutes ($$$)
2- I go to court try to contest it... (never had good experience with that in the past)
3- Traffic school

Not quite sure if it really worth to do traffic school. I don't consider that a "major infraction" but my insurance might not agree with me. Other than that, last time I got pulled over was in 2007 in the middle of nowhere at 2:00 am, doing 50 in 30.

What do you guys think?

Check to see if it will effect your insurance and decide from there. The only ticket I got I contested it to be changed to a non-moving violation so my insurance wouldn't go to shit, but still had to pay the value of it.


New Member
I have a very good driving record, until this morning. So now the question is... I have 3 options.
1- I just pay it and it hurt 10 minutes ($$$)
2- I go to court try to contest it... (never had good experience with that in the past)
3- Traffic school

Not quite sure if it really worth to do traffic school. I don't consider that a "major infraction" but my insurance might not agree with me. Other than that, last time I got pulled over was in 2007 in the middle of nowhere at 2:00 am, doing 50 in 30.

What do you guys think?

I say number 3...
pay the fine, take the class


Sorry to hear Marthy. Of your options I say #3,if you have time. I haven't had a ticket in 15 years but before that enough to fill a duffel bag. Toward the last I would just go in and pay to save the headaches. Kind of like paying my monthly stupid bill.:D I actually got a ticket for running a stop sign on my way to pay a speeding ticket. Now that is dumb! Good luck Marthy.


New Member
In CA, you have to put a foot down. Just making a complete stop and balancing the bike doesn't get it. I can stop and usually balance for 2 seconds or so and then go through the stop without putting a foot down but that is illegal. You have to actually take your foot and put it on the ground. Some bicycles can balance almost forever stopped but it is a ticket too if the cop wants to be a jerk.

The cities are hurting and are ticketing like crazy. They ought to sell the cars of the illegals they pull over that don't have driver's licenses instead of going after the legal drivers so much.


Man Marty that bites .

Take the class and you will get a 10% discount on your insurance as well , or at least that is how ours works .

My wife was a Patrolman for 11 years , she would let bikers off with warnings for doing this , I said good girl for that .
It is up to the Officer and some are just jerks [I can say that , see above sentence] .


New Member
Really does depend on what effects your insurance more. If your insurance is going to go up substantially UNLESS you take the course, I'd go ahead and take it. If it's going to go up regardless of whether you take the course or not? I'd just pay the fine and be done with it, personally. You could try to fight it in court, or you could hope that the cop doesn't show up on the court date, but that's always a gamble.


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Search, THEN post.
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In USA the stop signs are mostly useless, and good for revenue boosting, since in most case you have clear visibility of traffic to let you know if you need to do a full stop or proceed ahead. In most cases a "Yield" sign would be sufficient enough like they do in many other countries.

As for you options, I know that in NJ even if the court reduce or drops the points, insurance company still gona know about it and can rise the cost.
Sometimes court can reduce this to a lesser offence (this is good for speeding when they can reduce the "over limit" number) and therefore reduce the cost, although I'm not sure if they’ll do in your case. You will pay the court fees and bs like this and it can cost even more.
Maybe #3 is better solution this time


New Member
Take it from someone who has received over 30 tickets, and lost my license more then 5 times. Just pay it, for one there is no fighting it, the judge will ask you a simple question, did you come to a complete stop, your answer will be no and then he will say then your guilty. If you want you then can take the traffic school for either point reduction or insurance reduction, not sure the specifics in fl but judges are pretty much all the same in this sucks but I would just pay it
