Worst Fear while riding?

6R Blackout

New Member
:don'tknow::Sport:O.K. so I went to my physical therapy appt. this morning and on my way back I almost got side swiped by an elderly lady! Luckily for us I was paying attention and was able to swerve and accelerate to keep from getting hit. After that for the rest of my ride home, I thought of some of the things that scare me while I am on the road riding my 6R.

1.. Elderly drivers who shouldn't be driving!
2.. Teenage girls and women alike that are on cell phones and not paying attention to the road!
3.. The guy who is in a hurry and cuts out right in front of you as if he didn't see you and then ignores you when you try to get his attention to tell him he is an asshole!

Those are the 3 biggest things I fear when I am riding, so I was wondering what anyone else fears while there on the road also?
1. Hitting a patch of gravel and having the back wheel fly out from underneath me for all the world to see.

2. Dropping the bike at a gas station...for all the world to see.

3. Getting in a head on collision from someone passing without looking or cutting me off coming from the other direction - you're hosed no matter what you're wearing.

4. Deer. The only "accident" I ever had in my cage was a whole herd of deer came out of no where, I came to a complete stop, but they didn't. One ran right into the drivers side door, screamed, and then flopped around on my hood. Scared the bejesus out of me, and I still avoid driving outside the city at night because of it.
I fear the moment I have to turn around and head back home to the end of my ride. :) Fear and respect for the machine is what will keep you safe as long as you are not preoccupied by it. Ride safe!
My biggest fear is hitting gravel/loose dirt in the middle of lean in a corner... :(

Almost every day I had someone pull out and almost t-bone me... Like you, I usually hit the throttle and am able to get around them. Most times they never even seem to know I was there. I have had to change my route because it always happened on the same road, same spot. They see the car in front of me, but never me.
Asian women, since they are the only ones I've seen do it, who use a piece of cardboard to block the entire side window that the sun is coming through so they can see straight ahead better. How do they check the lane beside them? Good question, I haven't figured it out yet either.

Also, people reading books in traffic. I know that sitting in traffic is boring and they are looking to multitask claiming that they will put it down once traffic starts moving again, but I've seen people read to the end of the page while moving. How would they feel if I screwed with my cell phone at a stop? I'd be crucified by the public and given a ticket by any cop who saw it instantly.
just wanted to add that not only women and teenage girls talk on the phone...can't tell you how many business men on the phone have almost taken me out on the 6r

blindness and stupidity know no gender ;)
here's my top 3 fear list of worse fears while riding:

* "crashing or falling" of any kind & under any circumstances (low side, high side, tip over etc.)
* "loss of control" of any kind & under any circumstances (tank slapping, wheel skid etc.)
* "mechanical failure" of any kind (brake failure, tire blowout, stuck throttle etc.)
Modern street motorcycle tires shouldn't blow out. They are made so that even if they get a large obstruction, the steel will keep the tire intact and rolling stable enough for you to pull over. I've heard of this happening many times before, but haven't experienced it. Anything can happen though.

My fear is of other drivers.
Did you guys know, as you age the ligaments in your neck lose their elasticity so the older you get, the less you can turn your neck. A normal person can turn their head 70 degrees to either side whereas an elder may be restricted to 30. Therefore, if they don't see it in their side or rear view mirror, it isn't there because they have no other way of seeing behind them.
I just made some of you that much smarter :)
Clowns. They are very scary. They look happy, but they're evil.
Modern street motorcycle tires shouldn't blow out. They are made so that even if they get a large obstruction, the steel will keep the tire intact and rolling stable enough for you to pull over. I've heard of this happening many times before, but haven't experienced it. Anything can happen though.

My fear is of other drivers.
Did you guys know, as you age the ligaments in your neck lose their elasticity so the older you get, the less you can turn your neck. A normal person can turn their head 70 degrees to either side whereas an elder may be restricted to 30. Therefore, if they don't see it in their side or rear view mirror, it isn't there because they have no other way of seeing behind them.
I just made some of you that much smarter :)

And my pucker factor towards geriatric drivers that much greater....
That's another for me as well is a head on collision on a two lane road cause someone is trying to pass someone else! Mechanical failure not so much. Dropping the bike while people are watching is not scary it is embarrassing!!!'
I think having a medical emergency such as, heart attack or stroke, would be a very big fear/problem as well. In a cage its ALOT easier to control under these circumstances than is controlling a motorcylce! Thats just me though!!
I think having a medical emergency such as, heart attack or stroke, would be a very big fear/problem as well. In a cage its ALOT easier to control under these circumstances than is controlling a motorcylce! Thats just me though!!

A work colleague of mine died this way. Heart attack at the wheel, managed to pull over and deliberately crash into a barrier. Very sad, his one and only heart attack too.

On the motorbike it's my own stupidity that scares me the most.

Going into a corner a bit too fast and ending up on the wrong side of the road for example.

Anyone ever seen "oncoming traffic" on the amber road signs when on a road with a central reservation? That is one horrible scary as hell moment.

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I think having a medical emergency such as, heart attack or stroke, would be a very big fear/problem as well. In a cage its ALOT easier to control under these circumstances than is controlling a motorcylce! Thats just me though!!

How about having any medical emergency while flying solo in a single engine airplane.....In a bike. hit the brake to slow down and fall over..that don't work in an airplane. In Los Angeles it is almost certain that unless you land at an airport, you will kill both yourself and those on the ground. There aren't any freeways to land on without hitting cars.
I think it's why I like motorcycles and airplanes. Not much room for error.....
