Still not ready

Well, July 2nd we decided to get the kids ready and go to Austin to relax away from home. Was playing with my kids in the pool throwing them around and I must have positioned myself wrong. Went to throw my 9 year old and was at a strange angle. Felt a pop and from that point on, nothing but pain in my left big toe. ER doc said it was a bad sprain and it tore most ligaments from the first joint. Now it's pain meds and an ortho shoe to keep my toe from bending.

Anywho, I decided it was time to take the bike out yesterday. A week of healing is good enough, right? Wrong! It started off pretty normal, toe/foot still a bit sore, but I was able to balance the bike just fine. 1st gear, just fine. Then 2nd, and OUCH. Ended up a very short trip just around the block because I couldn't shift comfortably. Guess I should probably wait a couple more weeks like the doc said. :mad:
Sux man hope u get well soon
Sorry to hear about your toe, have you tried soaking it in Cider? Sorry, I know it is a lame play on words, but I use that every time I hear someone breaking or spraining a toe. Hope you get to feeling better soon!
just let it heal man, you wouldn't want to injure it more causing you to be off the bike even longer! Get better soon!
That can be pretty painful. Over X-mas hollidays a number of years ago,just before I was schedualed to go back to work.....I dropped a rather piece of hardwood on my big toe,left foot. Of course I was in my slippers (duh!)and the piece of wood hit the base of the nail. God did that ever hurt.:hijack: Sorry to Hi-Jack your thread,,but I do know how you feel!:p
Thanks for all the well wishes. I just wish I at least had some mods to do to it while I can't ride it, but still waiting on flushies from kapscomoto... BTW, their customer service is horrible! I suppose I can just troll the forum until I feel better :)
I agree




