ladies and bikes to brighten your day :)

attaboy! plus more characters for at least 10
you guys are such dorks haha
is picture two a hooker? Thats an interestingly enjoyable outfit ;)
Gotta say, the mom and daughter pics at the top of the page are just a little odd. :p

But the lot are :thumbup::thumbup:
Hahahaha I know I had to post em out of humor glad someone got it. did you notice the one midget with the busa? hahahaha

Oh, btw the wife caught wind of this thread last night....ooops :eek:
Lol mine starts out like :eek: but then she gets like defensive and trying to impress me a little, kind of in a protective way. lol I swear shes bi sometimes though, same as you jon the wife likes the strip clubs n stuff haha
A lot of these pictures make me VERY thankful for my figure and my face. LoL! :D

I think Dakine surpasses them. While most of these ladies are really beautiful, they lack the authenticity she has. She's got way, way more allure-
