Oil Drilling....Finally, or just a show?


New Member
Okay so nobody is here at the store today, so Im poking around on the net and found a headline that I VERY much like to see!

The House of Representatives voted to open more of the nation's oceans for oil and gas exploration on Thursday by a vote of 243 to 179.

The "Reversing President Obama's Offshore Moratorium Act," requires the Interior Department to set a production goal of three million barrels of oil per day for its 2012-2017 leasing plan.

In order to reach that target, the legislation requires the department to hold lease sales off the coast of Southern California, in the Arctic Ocean, off Alaska's Bristol Bay, and in the Atlantic Ocean from Maine to North Carolina.

Republicans say that the bill, along with two other drilling measures passed earlier this month, would create 1.2 million jobs and lower the price of oil. The Congressional Budget Office says that the offshore lease sales would generate $800 million in revenue over ten years.

The Obama administration released a statement opposing the bill Wednesday. The White House argued that the proposal would undermine the current leasing process and mandate drilling leases without input from the affected states.

Read more: House Approves Bill to Lift Drilling Moratorium - FoxNews.com

Personally I think they are finally waking up and noticing they are setting the country up for disaster when gas prices continue to rise, as our unemployment numbers rise, and inflation hits hard. I cant remember the last time I was told I was getting a reduced rate of any sort on any of my bills :eek:

Anywho, Im really glad they are doing this, how about you guys?


World Most Bad A$$ 6R
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New Member
Great post/topic... I think it's about time we start drilling.

Thanks rook, I completely agree!

The trouble is that oil has been dropping in price, yet gas is rising in price. It's partly to do with stock market speculation inflating gas prices, and that we are incapable of building new refineries with current EPA regulations. Even refineries knocked out by Katrina supposedly have had difficulty in rebuilding with current EPA regulations. You can have all the oil in the world, but if you don't have the refineries to deal with it, you just have a bottle-neck in production.

I understand that part, but there is no reason that one of the three super powers in the world should have trouble building a plant to EPA regulations. This is america, c'mon!!!

That might fix the problem for the next 20 years or so. The problem is over consuming, all together.... OH $hit!!! UPS truck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Windscreen as arrived! ;-))))))

I understand that part, but there is other oil that can be tapped into that is land based as well, and hopefully with the new hydrogen technology being used by vehicles such as the VOLT will take off and we wont have to be oil reliant anymore. But right now the government has oil lined pockets so that wont happen until we ABSOLUTELY need an alternative! :eek:


Until the Speculators are reined in and the Enron Loop Hole closed we will not see any relief NYMEX is regulated but not the Overseas trading , guess where a lot of the gas and oil trading is done , you get 3 guesses and the first two don't count .
Supply and Demand , we the consumers have a small supply of money and the Rich and Wasteful demand we give it to them . :eek:


New Member
Until the Speculators are reined in and the Enron Loop Hole closed we will not see any relief NYMEX is regulated but not the Overseas trading , guess where a lot of the gas and oil trading is done , you get 3 guesses and the first two don't count .
Supply and Demand , we the consumers have a small supply of money and the Rich and Wasteful demand we give it to them . :eek:

Sad but true :eek:


New Member
Boo oil drilling. There are so many ways to use renewable energy. If you have netflix on the instant stream there is a movie called "The Fuel Film" it is a great movie to watch on renewable energy.


Active Member
I guess what they're saying is, "Screw the oceans, screw the environment." A few million hectares of destroyed ocean is worth the risk. How many of you were appauled and upset when that well was pumping oil into the Gulf and destroying the sea bottom, coastline, and an unmeasureable amount of sealife? How many were shocked at the devastation caused by the Exxon Valdez spill?

How soon we forget. Who are the greedy ones?


New Member
The trouble is that oil has been dropping in price, yet gas is rising in price. It's partly to do with stock market speculation inflating gas prices, and that we are incapable of building new refineries with current EPA regulations. Even refineries knocked out by Katrina supposedly have had difficulty in rebuilding with current EPA regulations. You can have all the oil in the world, but if you don't have the refineries to deal with it, you just have a bottle-neck in production.

This might be true but haven't they raped enough money out of us. I remember when price at the pump was .70cents a gallon. It has climbed $4 in the last ten or so years. There's no need for it. The government needs to start taxing the oil companies instead of giving them tax cuts.


New Member
I guess what they're saying is, "Screw the oceans, screw the environment." A few million hectares of destroyed ocean is worth the risk. How many of you were appauled and upset when that well was pumping oil into the Gulf and destroying the sea bottom, coastline, and an unmeasureable amount of sealife? How many were shocked at the devastation caused by the Exxon Valdez spill?

How soon we forget. Who are the greedy ones?

I remember, but thats besides the point IMO. Im not picking an argument I just believe this is a whole different sector of the subject. I do think we are greedy wanting more oil but in my case I dont care how much oil, I want it easier on my pocket book. I sold my truck because it cost me $50 to fill it up 6 years ago and wanted better fuel economy, today it would cost me $110 for the SAME truck. :eek:

If youd like to talk about sea life Id maybe touch on japan and other foreign countrys. We protect our sea life coastally with heavy regulation and monitoring. Im more concerned about the poaching of whales and dolphins than I am of drilling in a few acres of land. Hell, why dont we actually keep the oil from our alaskan pipeline instead of selling it to Russia at a premium, well thats because our country wants to profit from selling to them and a perk on our relations with them versus fuelling our own country with our own fuel sources. If we honest to god closed our borders and became more self sufficient the cost of everythign world wide would go down because were "GREEDY AMERICANS WITH MONEY" well pay no matter what


Active Member
My point exactly. It's all about someone's money.


I guess what they're saying is, "Screw the oceans, screw the environment." A few million hectares of destroyed ocean is worth the risk. How many of you were appauled and upset when that well was pumping oil into the Gulf and destroying the sea bottom, coastline, and an unmeasureable amount of sealife? How many were shocked at the devastation caused by the Exxon Valdez spill?

How soon we forget. Who are the greedy ones?
The Greenies say use plastic save a tree , but saving that tree cost millions in repercussions , the tree can be renewed , the plastic gets dumped into the sea/oceans and a large floating island of plastic is made , Google it and see (sea) .
Tired old argument , it seems saving the planet is destroying it even more . :surrender:
I need a part the store is 25 miles away , if I drive there in a electric car that has a estimated range of 40 miles the store is over the halfway point of the car , so I have to drive to the store plug up the car and wait for the needed charge to get back home with , NO THANKS I'LL PASS !
NASA has saw a collapse of the Thermosphere (where Shuttle and ISS orbits) , only man made substance that can reach that high is Rocket Exhaust (water vapor) , NASA the largest contributor to water pollution in the upper Atmosphere , NASA polluting the Earth one Launch at a time . :eek:


New Member
NASA has saw a collapse of the Thermosphere (where Shuttle and ISS orbits) , only man made substance that can reach that high is Rocket Exhaust (water vapor) , NASA the largest contributor to water pollution in the upper Atmosphere , NASA polluting the Earth one Launch at a time . :eek:

:rant:...hahaha thats epic. But sadly true :eek:


New Member
Boo oil drilling. There are so many ways to use renewable energy. If you have netflix on the instant stream there is a movie called "The Fuel Film" it is a great movie to watch on renewable energy.

I agree, why do we have to keep drilling instead of coming up with better more efficient sources. I fear that we're going to go drilling in the ocean and start doing more harm to the fish/water.


New Member
The Greenies say use plastic save a tree , but saving that tree cost millions in repercussions , the tree can be renewed , the plastic gets dumped into the sea/oceans and a large floating island of plastic is made , Google it and see (sea) .
Tired old argument , it seems saving the planet is destroying it even more . :surrender:

It takes years to grow back the trees, you make it sound so simple, you make it sound as if we always cut one and plant two. I agree that plastic is polluting our lands and oceans but that's only because most of our population is ignorant and selfish. I see it all the time in NYC. Theres a person on the corner eating some candy. They drop the plastic bag on the ground, plus the candy wrapper when there is a trash can 3 feet away. If there's no trash cans keep it in your hand, there's bound to be a trash can in the next 30 seconds...


New Member
I agree, why do we have to keep drilling instead of coming up with better more efficient sources. I fear that we're going to go drilling in the ocean and start doing more harm to the fish/water.

I have two responses to this

The first is because the government has it regulated. If oil consumption is whats going to make them money, why would they honestly work to prevent it? We want it, but it makes them less over time. They regulate it because they can. Just like they regulate the progression of alternate technology. Every manufacturer has boughten the liscensing and patents from private companys working for alternate energy products for large sums of money in order to controll the market. Our vehicles are de-tuned compared to alot of european vehicles. Ive talked to a few different mechanical engineers who have "Unlocked" cars to achieve45-60 mpg out of say a standard impala.

and secondly: What we do this year is not going to matter next year for eco-system for our ocean life...the magnetic poles are set to shift next year....fish are guided by magnetic fields because those fields controll the currents. Id be more worried about that, than I would some oil platform. North is south, and suddenly south is north. Birds fly north now? :canada:


New Member
and secondly: What we do this year is not going to matter next year for eco-system for our ocean life...the magnetic poles are set to shift next year....fish are guided by magnetic fields because those fields controll the currents. Id be more worried about that, than I would some oil platform. North is south, and suddenly south is north. Birds fly north now? :canada:

Oh please stuff like that has happened in the past and mother nature coped just fine. It's not like the change in polarity will kill them off, but when I see videos like this...

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JyOLK3QVprE]YouTube - Lonesome George the Galapagos Tortoise - Explore - BBC[/ame]

and think about it happening to other species I just get more and more disappointed in humankind, honestly if I could get off this rock in space I would. Solutions are relatively simple but greed doesn't let it happen.

I'm not exactly a greenie, but when people see problems, and can't bring themselves to put the simplest solutions into effect, we fail as inhabitants of this earth. That's also almost the argument people use like oh please it doesn't matter what I do someone a few generations down the line will deal with it.
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