Dropped my bike!! F%#]^ me!!!!


New Member
I went to a biker night/meet at hooters tonight, very good turnout with ~100 bikes throughout the night. As I was pulling out and rolling forward slowly from my parked spot (lots of bikes very very close to me) I see a bike coming to the left of me in the parking lot 10+ feet away behind a pack of 6-7 guys standing to my left.

I PANICKED (when I say panicked, I mean, OH SHIT!!!!! ) and since I hit the brake while my steering was turned right, I tipped my bike over. A couple of nice bikers came to help me lift it up and told me to chill out for a couple minutes.

Upon inspecting the bike it appears that only the handlebar and side view mirror have small chips in them roughly 1/2" or smaller). I was lucky that the fairings didn't touch the ground. Unfortunately I think this weekend I'm going to have to get a pair of frame sliders installed.

Still, very pissed and totally embarrassed to go back now. And I'll need to replace the chipped parts if I sell the bike eventually (which shouldn't cost much) or my resale value may suffer if I move up to a SS in 1.5 - 2 years.

LESSON: Dont be a cheap ass, and buy frame sliders!!! And don't ever panick and panick-brake!!!!
Frame sliders were the first thing I bought and installed. Worked like a charm when I laid the bike down at about 35 to 40 mph with the bar ends. Chewed about 1/2" of plastic off the slider.

I went to a biker night/meet at hooters tonight, very good turnout with ~100 bikes throughout the night. As I was pulling out and rolling forward slowly from my parked spot (lots of bikes very very close to me) I see a bike coming to the left of me in the parking lot 10+ feet away behind a pack of 6-7 guys standing to my left.

I PANICKED (when I say panicked, I mean, OH SHIT!!!!! ) and since I hit the brake while my steering was turned right, I tipped my bike over. A couple of nice bikers came to help me lift it up and told me to chill out for a couple minutes.

Upon inspecting the bike it appears that only the handlebar and side view mirror have small chips in them roughly 1/2" or smaller). I was lucky that the fairings didn't touch the ground. Unfortunately I think this weekend I'm going to have to get a pair of frame sliders installed.

Still, very pissed and totally embarrassed to go back now. And I'll need to replace the chipped parts if I sell the bike eventually (which shouldn't cost much) or my resale value may suffer if I move up to a SS in 1.5 - 2 years.

LESSON: Dont be a cheap ass, and buy frame sliders!!! And don't ever panick and panick-brake!!!!
I say, hat's off to you! Even though you dumped, and may have had better choices... you thought of the other rider first! Had you messed up the other way and gunned it, or even stalled it in front of the other rider... it could have been worse....

Even if there wasn't others involved... a simple slow, wheel turned stop is the easiest way to drop a bike... (add gravel/sand to the mix and you'll know how I dropped mine twice within a couple of weeks of each other, the second no damage because I installed my frame sliders!)

Kind words, thank you. The problem with these meets is that theres harleys revving like crazy showing their e-peens, some sport bikers doing wheelies, and some guys that randomly park in the weirdest positions and take off at the worst times
Kind words, thank you. The problem with these meets is that theres harleys revving like crazy showing their e-peens, some sport bikers doing wheelies, and some guys that randomly park in the weirdest positions and take off at the worst times

Sounds pretty well filled with consideration! Sounds like ur the nicest guy there! :thumbup: Glad everythings okay, always remember, tomorrow is another day, and you get to live it!
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Hey it's all good. I dropped my FZ a few weeks after I bought it. Was still getting used to the clutch and I stalled mid-turn from a stop sign. I couldn't prop the whole bike up from how I was seated, so I had to gently put the bike down.

A couple of nicks on the fairing, but you wouldn't know unless you were up close and personal.

Yea,don't be embarrassed, nobody else will even remember it was you if you go again. Just hang around like an old pro next time until the crowd clears a little and ride off like you own the place. :thumbup:
