Lane Challenged Drivers 2010


New Member
This is what we have to deal with in So. Cal. in the twisties. Well...more so at Muholland, but the same D-Bags are on the streets as well. I never new I could be "pissed off :mad:" and "LMAO :rof:" at the time.[ame=""]Lane Challenged Drivers 2010[/ame]
The chic in the gray evo 9 was clueless as well... Not to mention the silver G35 coupe getting chased by the 2 bikes... :head shake:

PS. How's the bike running BJ?
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I live over here on the east coast not too far from the famous "Tail of the Dragon". The same kind of crap goes on there as well which is why I avoid that whole area.
Dont worry, your not the only person that has to deal with this.

People like that is what made me crash my 06 Cobalt SS last year.

PS. How's the bike running BJ?
Seems to be okay. But it felt fine when I got the bike back the 1st time too. We'll see how it goes...not looking forward to finding out though...

Its been a pretty busy weekend! Took it out for a 4 hours ride up in PV the day I got it back (24th). Went desert shooting near Victorville (baby glock, sig, and M4) on the 26th. Yesterday went with a buddy back to PV and rode there for 3 hours.

I'm thinking of doing the OC cruise on the 2nd. Just a chill ride.
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oh that's good. i hope your bike runs smoothly here on out and doesn't give u any more problems... :) :fingers crossed:

yah- i saw the OC cruise on the SCAR site... sounds like a fun event- except that it's SO far from where i am... <lol> it takes about 50 min (w/o traffic) to get down to irvine/ tustin in a car, much less on a bike... xP i haven't decided yet tho, and i might consider going. do u go to either of the bike night events? (industry, w covina)

I'm thinking of doing the OC cruise on the 2nd. Just a chill ride.
yah... the bottom line is that all motorists and bicyclists need to share the road safely & considerately... everyone can still have fun and safe spirited rides + drives, so long as we do so safely and don't act stupid or selfishly...

teenagers pose a unique problem tho- due to their lack of experience... i've gone up that portion of mulholland drive numerous times with my rx-8 car club. and, it's a challenging spot. but, i'm happy to say that i've never spun out at that turn, because i always try to drive within my limits.

that said, malibu canyon has some of the most breath-taking views that no other canyon can compete with- esp on a clear, sunny day. but, because of all the ass wipes doing stupid stuff and causing accidents, they've ruined the fun for everyone. and, malibu canyon is now crawling with cops nowadays...

hate to say it, but a lotta sport bikers up there aren't much better than the drivers in the videos- esp when it comes to safety and consideration on the road.

never makes me laugh...

never makes me laugh...

Bunch of rich @$$ kids who have no business being on the road with those cars... if their parents can afford those sports cars, then they should spend at least half that in going to a school to learn how to drive...

Bring the European driving ed to USA...
