Deer + bike = bad news


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The other riders were probably gixxers. I pulled over for this other guy last month because he was pulled over on the side of the street near my work place. He said his bike overheated and was cooling down and pushing it to the parking lot. Asked if he needed help but he said he was fine and I said if he needs anything I work right over there
Not just bikes, but its good to stop and offer assistance to anyone that needs help on the side of the road. Do use your judgment though as we all hear stories of crazy stuff happening. Staged accidents used to rob people, etc.
Now, this is where some education comes in, and for all my sad memory, I cant remember! There is a signal a motorcyclist is supposed to do when pulled over to indicate they need help or dont. Has something to do with your helmet placement.

Anyone remember? Probably a good thing to make sure we know, because I wont pull over for someone unless they indicate they need assistance in some way. Why? Because I've been off the side of the road for reasons that don't require assistance and nothing is more anoying that to have 5-10 people all stop and ask if you need help.

It's also anoying to the other riders, and I recall one commenting about the fact that I should have placed my helment propery so that passing motorcycles will know not to stop. He wasnt pissed, just passing on the information, that I clearly cant remember now!
Now, this is where some education comes in, and for all my sad memory, I cant remember! There is a signal a motorcyclist is supposed to do when pulled over to indicate they need help or dont. Has something to do with your helmet placement.

You are supposed to place your helmet on the ground, near the rear wheel I believe (might be front) roadside, but its actually not a well known signal. I think this :surrender: would work better. :D
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Yep, that's what it was. I could remember the helmet, but couldnt remember if it was in front or behind.

This would be a good thing for everyone to know, because to the passer by, they know if they need to stop and for the person on the side dying to take a pee, 20 people don't stop and ask if you're ok!

Even if you're not ok, like after a crash, you still might not want people to stop if your ok in body, embarassed in your mind!

I remember when I was 16, spun my car out going to fast around a corner and ended up in the ditch. About 1 mile from my house. How I wish NOBODY had stopped to help. I'll never live that one down.
Yep, that's what it was. I could remember the helmet, but couldnt remember if it was in front or behind.

I edited my post because I don't know if its front or rear either. Depends on who you ask lol. I think the best thing to do if you see a rider on the side of the road is give them a thumbs up. If they return a thumbs down, then they need help.

LOL yup, I've seen that one used a lot! :D
