FZ6R Sales

Don't beat me up on this but I got screwed when I got my FZ6R. I wanted it so bad and only GE Money Bank would finance me at 15% interest. I paid $7,200 OTD and make a $176.00 payment a month for 5 years. I have been sending $400.00 a month so I can pay it off quicker. Oh forgot to mention it I added the 5 year warranty with it from Yamaha.

I won't beat you up, because I think you are already doing it to yourself...OUCH!!! :spank:
Don't beat me up on this but I got screwed when I got my FZ6R. I wanted it so bad and only GE Money Bank would finance me at 15% interest. I paid $7,200 OTD and make a $176.00 payment a month for 5 years. I have been sending $400.00 a month so I can pay it off quicker. Oh forgot to mention it I added the 5 year warranty with it from Yamaha.

Hey PAPPA good to see you on here again. This is what finance companies do. They know you will get emotionally attached to the motorcycle, furniture, car, house and pay whatever for that item. All you think about in the short term is enjoyment, then the (newness wears off) reality sets in later about the payments. I remember when I worked for them a while back that we were finaincing ATVs, Motorcycles and Waverunners at 27.99%.
I went with GE Money bank at the dealer just to get the deal done at like 11.9% or something. A couple months later, I had refinanced it through my credit union at 5.9%.

Might want to look into seeing if you can do that?
I've been doing this a long time, so don't be surprised if I don't believe that you've recovered to 130% of your previous peek.
Not trying to be a critic, just being a skeptic.

Granted, this was from the end of Q1 (seeing as Q2 was just two days ago), but I stand corrected... I guess I was wrong... it wasn't 130%... it's more. :D
[image removed]

But then again, hey, what do I know... My product on which I'm directly assigned (just one product) just grossed over $5M at work for FY09, $2M ahead of schedule. My 401(k) is just peanuts!
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Back out $7.5K in contributions in the past year. I'm still substantially up. ;)
Worse comes to worse, I'll revert back to my 130% estimate. :D
Numbers trickery, it may appear.

It would seem based on your description that you are assigning your contributions as "gains." The amount you contribute is not a "gain." In fact, that chart may actually be impacted by losses which have been offset by contributions.

Gains are not based on contributions. The only way that chart shows 130% gains is if you never contributed a dime since it was at $16k in 2006.

Additionally, the chart doesn't show which vehicle was used. Long side mutual funds? Short side ETF's?

Too many variables. Doesn't match the smell test...but I will point out that it appears you are doing the right thing with your account...I would encourage you to max your contribution, especially in light of apparent success at work. Increasing your 401k contributions will reduce your federal tax burden and improve your take home $$ (at least in the long run).

I would also encourage you to open and manage your own ROTH.

PS...I am looking forward to riding the FZ6R to work again...I've only driven the jeep twice since buying the FZ6R...got my first 'compliment' yesterday...ignoring the fact that the kid asked me if it was the new "R1."
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unless you didn't put anything in (see line that says "includes all contributions"), that's just your account balance, not what you've "gained". just saying.... and I just checked mine, I can't go back that far, but I pulled:
Year Ending Rate of Return (%)
2010 -0.18%
2009 21.05%
not too bad last year, but like I said, this year has been horrible... so I'm glad I pulled out my cash and am now buying more shares at these low values.

oh yeah... :hijack::noworries:

Excellent strategy...precisely what I was referring to.

BTW, we are down almost 5% just for the past seven trading days....which is why I was able to make 4% on the short side (I only traded with half my account, and I always move to cash too early).
Christ, you don't really read a whole lot, do ya? I guess you just do most of the talking in a conversation.

As I *just* indicated, back out the contributions to the tune of $7500 (give or take a hundred, because, quite literally, anything < $100 I don't particularly care). I'm still up.

Since you're quite inquisitive on my actual portfolio, all I'm saying is it's 90% short side bits, in stocks. The majority of that 90% are high-risk stocks around the globe: Russia & its former satellites. Remaining 10% are mutual funds.

A few thoughts:
1) What I find really incredulous is a statement of "doesn't match the smell test." Really? This is MY 401(k). The photo I had posted JUST happened (this year).
2) I'm super relieved that I'm approaching your standard in doing what you think is right.
3) I'm at double my max contribution. Would this meet your arbitrary standard?
4) Moving onto IRAs now? A substantial amount of my savings/retirement funds are tied up in both Roth & traditional IRAs, for reasons I'm not discussing any further. Only reason I even tossed up my 401(k) statement is the amount is comparatively trivial to my IRAs. While we're discussing, could you please tell me what other financial instruments I may want to consider? Should I consider refinancing my primary residence on a 10 year loan tied to LIBOR? I might as well refer my coworkers, neighbors, and the rest of my MCI Friends & Family calling circle to join the FZ6R-forum for absolutely free, yet unsolicited financial advisement.

FZ6R is fun. Yamaha needs to sell more. Shoppers need to buy more. FZ6Rs. Don't buy the yellow ones. :D
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The other issue is that at least around here, dealers weren't really wiling to negotiate. Other than my dealer from whom I finally bought my FZ6R, the other FIVE dealers were between $7100 and $7300 OTD. Granted, taxes are nearly 10%, but it almost seemed like they were all acting in collusion...
Christ, you don't really read a whole lot, do ya? I guess you just do most of the talking in a conversation.

Really... no need to make it personal. Just a discussion between riders. I will, however, point out discrepancies when I see them. No need to be offended. I enjoy the sharing of info among my colleagues, whether it's the guys I rid with, drink with, or talk money and "etc" with. All good discussion...and we frequently call out each other's BS!

As I *just* indicated, back out the contributions to the tune of $7500 (give or take a hundred, because, quite literally, anything < $100 I don't particularly care). I'm still up.

Just pointing out the obvious; I seriously doubt that all you've contributed since 2006 is $7500 over the past year. I don't doubt you are up...I believe you are, but I don't see evidence to support a claim of 130% gains. Quite the contrary, actually.

Since you're quite inquisitive on my actual portfolio, all I'm saying is it's 90% short side bits, in stocks. The majority of that 90% are high-risk stocks around the globe: Russia & its former satellites. Remaining 10% are mutual funds.

No one asked, you shared. I merely hoped for clarification on some comments that didn't make sense.

BTW, it still doesn't make sense...I've never heard of a 401k that allowed market shorting. 401k's only allow two positions; long and cash.

A few thoughts:
1) What I find really incredulous is a statement of "doesn't match the smell test." Really? This is MY 401(k). The photo I had posted JUST happened (this year).
2) I'm super relieved that I'm approaching your standard in doing what you think is right.
3) I'm at double my max contribution. Would this meet your arbitrary standard?
4) Moving onto IRAs now? A substantial amount of my savings/retirement funds are tied up in both Roth & traditional IRAs, for reasons I'm not discussing any further. Only reason I even tossed up my 401(k) statement is the amount is comparatively trivial to my IRAs. While we're discussing, could you please tell me what other financial instruments I may want to consider? Should I consider refinancing my primary residence on a 10 year loan tied to LIBOR? I might as well refer my coworkers, neighbors, and the rest of my MCI Friends & Family calling circle to join the FZ6R-forum for absolutely free, yet unsolicited financial advisement.

The photo you shared was from a four year period (not just the last year), and it specifically says that it includes contributions. Contributions don't count as capital gains (thank God), or the tax-man would smile every time we put a few bucks in.

It wasn't about matching 'my standard;' it was a recognition of your technique. Really. Just a note of commendation was all it was.

BTW, it's illegal to "double" your "max contribution." The max allowed for this year is $16.5k, and anything contributed over that is subject to IRS penalty.

And I don't doubt that your IRA's might be doing better, but it's atypical since the max allowable annual contribution for an IRA is $5k...less than 1/3 than for a 401k. Additionally, IRA contributions (at least for a ROTH), are not protected from federal taxes, and don't enjoy employer match...while 401k's enjoy a $16.5k max contribution which is 100% tax deferred and often enjoys an employer match.

Trading strategy for both kinds of accounts should be similar, and in that scenario, most 401k's leave IRA's in the dust...with rollover IRA's being the exception...and those are nothing more than converted 401ks.

FZ6R is fun. Yamaha needs to sell more. Shoppers need to buy more. FZ6Rs. Don't buy the yellow ones. :D

I almost bought a yellow one that had custom black paint added...I was tempted, but ended up going Raven. No regrets. BTW, I read the recent discussion on lying speedo's, and mine showed ~ 4mph less than a speed-check device that I rode past today. I was suspicious when I was showing 75 on the interstate my first ride to work, and I was the slowest wheels on the road.
I don't doubt you are up...I believe you are, but I don't see evidence to support a claim of 130% gains. Quite the contrary, actually.

From the standpoint of a logic string, if one does not doubt that one is up, yet immediately subsequent, another clause stating the contrary would indicate a paradox at best; at worst it's a lucid sign of spewing forth a not insignificant quantity of your common North American lexicon. The difference of course, that said lexicon possesses the truth.

Aforementioned indication notwithstanding, I never stated 130% gains; I stated the current 401(k) stands at 130% of my previous peak. Grammatically subtle; mathematically, quite the contrary, actually.

BTW, it's illegal to "double" your "max contribution." The max allowed for this year is $16.5k, and anything contributed over that is subject to IRS penalty.
Fair. I intended to indicate I'm doubling my employer's max contribution.

No one asked, you shared. I merely hoped for clarification on some comments that didn't make sense.

Are you 100% (or 130% :D) sure you didn't ask? I recall reading...

Additionally, the chart doesn't show which vehicle was used. Long side mutual funds? Short side ETF's?

But hey, I understand. Friday night before a 3-day weekend... :iconbeer:
No worries, I'm there with ya.:justkidding:

The photo you shared was from a four year period (not just the last year), and it specifically says that it includes contributions. Contributions don't count as capital gains (thank God), or the tax-man would smile every time we put a few bucks in.

Sigh. A bit remedial now, no? Dart had already noted the bits about contributions. I merely indicated my 401(k) account's ~130% of its former peak. Perhaps there was the assumption that I meant to indicate that my account's miraculously built itself up, hands-free. But then again, such assumption is... presumption. It's not too different than saying, "Hey, I've got $15 in my wallet now! That's 150% of a week ago!" I could have literally hit the PowerBall jackpot within that week, blown through $100M, and be left in a position $5 more than last week. Or, wait a minute... could you please enlighten us peons how the taxes would be structured on a $100M gross jackpot; I'm not sure, I need to understand since I fully intend on winning a PowerBall jackpot that's at least $100M.

BTW, it still doesn't make sense...I've never heard of a 401k that allowed market shorting. 401k's only allow two positions; long and cash.

In 1903, there were these two men, Orville and Wilbur Wright. These two bicycle boys invented a machine that would enable mankind to achieve flight. Folks said it couldn't been done; they've never heard of a man who could fly. Common dogma allowed for two positions: fools who attempt to fly, and, well, the birds. Here's the shocker though: these two men flew! No shit, they achieved powered flight!

Of what you've not heard is completely immaterial. Open your mind a bit. Consider for a moment, just for a second, to the possibility, regardless how remote, that ... ready? ... that others just might know something you don't. It's happening, right now.

As far as the remainder of the text, yup, that essentially confirms my previous statement about being proselytized about other financial tools... what else have you got there, Professor?

Pertaining back to Yamaha & the FZ6R... It's a good thing that Yamaha has that promotional APR rate... It was 1.9% at one point, and now 3.9%... given one qualifies, that would help stimulate sales quite a bit.

Enough writing; more riding! :cool:
OK...I was trying to be gentle in the presence of obvious sensitivities.

When speaking of investments, claiming you are "up" 130% implies a capital gains of 130%. If you have $100 bucks in an account, and a year later you put another $100 bucks in it, there is no rational person with any bit of financial acumen who is going to say that it's accurate to claim you are up 100% based on capital investment alone.


In fact, to make a claim such as this, or a make a similar claim along these lines would be considered rather deceptive. Some use a nasty word for that.

I'm well aware of what Dart stated; I'm aware that it didn't result in a clarification.

And not, I didn't ask; you shared this post without anyone asking you about your 401k.


Again...I have to be blunt. Instead of trying to be kind and offer an "out" on the claims about short side investing in a 401k, I'll just say it; there is no such thing as a 401k that allows short trading. Nowhere. Nada. It means this; you are not short-trading with your 401k, let alone with international stock...Russia, factually, has intermittently banned short sales several times in the past four years, most recently last month.


I'm going to have to be conclusively blunt; I was just turning on the fan to blow away the smoke that was being blown up our butts.

But nonetheless, that is a nice looking Two Bro's exhaust. That will probably be the next mod for mine...I really can't think of anything else I want to do to it right now except add a powerport...that, and replace a turn signal that already tapped out...and I just broke 500 miles on the Odo this week!

Time to go ride it home now...
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Claiming one's up 130% is vastly different than what I said being of 130% of my peak. A prepositional difference exists there. If you'll re-read my posts; I've NEVER said I'm UP 130%, only OF.

Instead of posting further, since all that will happen is a circular "debate" (see example above), I'm stopping here. Your financial advise is laughable. In 21 years of Usenet groups, bulletin boards, and forums, I have never ever dealt with another user in such juvenile terms.

I went through phases like this in one point of my life; I often ended up in the principal's office for beating a kid up, since he talked back so much. Fortunately, I've moved on.

Senseless drivel driven by the senseless. What a shame!
Not what you said; you said your account lost half it's value, and "since then, it's at about 130% of my previous peak."

Prepositional difference, Smifference...it's nothing but hot air. And, no one has accomplished what you claim (a 50% loss, followed by recovery to 130% of previous peak), especially someone who has made incorrect claim after incorrect claim and clearly doesn't know what they are talking about.

This ain't a debate. You don't debate facts, and your posts are remarkably lacking in that area.

You got caught trying to blow smoke up our holes, and I called you on it.

You are making stuff up as you go along, and now you are just trying to back out by projecting and redirecting.

Didn't fool me.

And I never made it personal. I see smack talk like that all the time when people have been made.
no kidding. so much for fz6r sales... lol

actually, saying "130% of" is the same as saying "up 30%". ok ,you two may continue... :scared:

Not what you said; you said your account lost half it's value, and "since then, it's at about 130% of my previous peak."

Prepositional difference, Smifference...it's nothing but hot air. And, no one has accomplished what you claim (a 50% loss, followed by recovery to 130% of previous peak), especially someone who has made incorrect claim after incorrect claim and clearly doesn't know what they are talking about.

This ain't a debate. You don't debate facts, and your posts are remarkably lacking in that area.

You got caught trying to blow smoke up our holes, and I called you on it.

You are making stuff up as you go along, and now you are just trying to back out by projecting and redirecting.

Didn't fool me.

And I never made it personal. I see smack talk like that all the time when people have been made.
