Need help with New Decals.


New Member
I am having a hard time choosing new decals, I have looked all over the place for custom decals that would look good on our bikes and have found a few but nothing stands out to me. I saw a picture of the Race Ready Yamaha from the Indy MotoGP and I have always been a big fan of the Racing decals that alot of the bikes use. Now my question is do you think it would be a good idea to copy the Indy MotoGP Yamaha? Keep in mind I will be doing the theme on a 2009 Raven, or if you have any other ideas please let me know. Here is the bike I am refering to.
Also can anyone make out all the decals? I am having a hard time seeing all the decals. I can get most of them but need help with the rest.
Now my question is do you think it would be a good idea to copy the Indy MotoGP Yamaha?

Put simply...No
Tell me why not? There are many bikes out there that replicate many race inspired Superbikes. Honda makes a Repsol don't they? If you have the parts that you are displying on your bike then there is nothing wrong with doing it, I am not saying it has to be exactly the same but something similar doesn't hurt.
If you actually have the parts on your bike, then displaying the manufacturer is cool if thats what you want. I also like the look of race bikes with all the logos, etc.

If you just put random manufacturer's logos on without actually having those parts then that's a big poser no no :D
If you look at it this way our bikes come with Dunlop tires, most have some sort of GYTR product, Sunoco is just gas,we have Brembo brakes,AMA is just a racing series,alot of the decals used are just basic decals. But I agree if you don't have the product on your bike then don't use the decals..
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Maybe he wasn't necessarily talking about all the manufacturer decals. I like just the graphics without the sticks.
If you look at it this way our bikes come with Dunlop tires, most have some sort of GYTR product, Sunoco is just gas,we have Brembo brakes,AMA is just a racing series,alot of the decals used are just basic decals. But I agree if you don't have the product on your bike then don't use the declas.

Ok maybe he was talking decals. LOL
Our bikes need something better then the decals it came with. Look at CBR's GSXR's etc, they all have nice looking graphics on them. our bikes are just plain, nothing stands out to say wow that is a sweet bike.
If you look at it this way our bikes come with Dunlop tires, most have some sort of GYTR product, Sunoco is just gas,we have Brembo brakes,AMA is just a racing series,alot of the decals used are just basic decals. But I agree if you don't have the product on your bike then don't use the decals..

Well there ya go! If you like the look, go for it! Its your bike, no one elses :cool:

Im sure if you contacted the manufacturers or whoever, they would probably send you some decals if you cant find them anywhere else.
go to a custom sticker shop.. Most have access to a logo site where they can download company logos and print them on the vinyl plotter/cutter..

then you can have any color and size..

one of my buddies used to work for a graphics shop and did this for me when I was a little rice rocket Mazda :D
