Yep! So I'm a little discouraged....


Active Member
Why does it seem that on every sportbike forum, people just bash the FZ6R? I mean, I don't really care what people think of the bike I ride, but my's kind of overwhelming when people just rag on you and your bike. Did I miss something?? :mad:
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What are they saying bad about it? Do these people even know anything about the FZ6R and what it's intended for? and thirdly, WHO CARES WHAT THEY THINK?!?!
There are people who think that anything less then the "absolute best" isn't acceptable (they are elitist arrogant punks). That is their opinion of a bike that cost much less then theirs, and is as much fun to ride as their "absolute best" bike. The funny thing is... next year they will be riding something that is not the "absolute best", and they will be the subject of ridicule by folks who have their mind set. I'd just fire back that mine cost $4998 plus tax, what did they spend to have a machine that is more at home on the track then the street (which is where I ride), and isn't any more fun to ride then mine? I personally ride for the pleasure of it, not how fast I can go with it. Opinions are like belly buttons, everyone has one. My opinion of those kind of folks is, they wasted a lot of money on their machines, unless they use it for the track. Of course if they are not riding a BMW S1000RR they are not riding the best! That is my opinion FWIW.
Owldaddy you hit on many important points. There are always going to be those that can only feel they are great because they have more than you do. In my opinion our bike is much more comfortable to ride than a bent over racing posture and has plenty of guts to put a wide grin on anyones face.
In my opinion our bike is much more comfortable to ride than a bent over racing posture and has plenty of guts to put a wide grin on anyones face.
That is why I bought the 6R in fact. It fits me well.
I agree my friend. My buddy has a GXSR-750 and he was giving me **** about the FZ6R, how it's a middle weight bike and how it's slow etc... I then reminded him that he paid 3,500.00 more for his machine, plus his insurance is 2,000.00 a year (my insurance, 504.00 a year) Is all the money worth 40 more mph! along with quicker acceleration? Any idiot with money can buy whatever they want. Doesn't make them better then anyone!!! It's all about the rider and his/her skill! It doesn't take skill to go fast in a straight line or buy a super sport bike!

I have 6 years of riding experience... I could have bought any bike I wanted. However I chose the 6R for three main reasons: 1. Price tag 2. Insurance 3. Comfort. I have never judged anyone for what they are riding... I always respect that person for being on two wheels...
There are other bike forums?
Silly fools that just don't get it. Let them be Internet Toughguys all they want. I know guys who can walk away from liter-bikes on a Ninja 250 when the road gets twisty (I've seen it done) - no telling what they could do on an FZ6R. Anybody can twist a throttle - it's a different story when skill is involved. It's the archer - not the sword...

I've ridden a modified CBR1000RR and it's fast...scary fast. But anyone who thinks an FZ6R isn't a real motorcycle is a moron, plain and simple.

Oh, and I catch the same crap about my VFR800 from the liter-head crowd. My challenge is this: follow me 350 miles to the twisties on that torture rack and then keep up - I dare you. You'll be walking funny for a week after having your hands at your ankles for eight hours and I'll still be having a blast as I walk away from you on a, "heavy, under-powered, too-soft, sport-bike wannabe"... Any time baby...Any Time!
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There are other bike forums?
Not for us LOL. I remember the days when I was not interested in any bike that didn't have the right numbers. I'd read everything I could about the latest greatest bikes. If they didn't have the fastest quarter miles, the most HP. the highest speeds etc. I wasn't going to buy it. I wanted to feel I had the best, even though the best is a matter of opinion. My opinion has changed over the years, now my back hurts, my eye sight isn't as good as it once was, my reflexes have slowed..... IMO the 6R is almost perfect for me now. Perhaps I have matured some in the last 40 years. I'm sure few of the folks who run down someone Else's choice in machines, can't stay with a professional rider, riding most any bike out there (including the 6R), it is all about skill, not what you ride. Skill makes someone fast, the machine by itself won't get off the side-stand. This brings me back about 15 years ago, while on a ride on hwy49 I was riding my old 78 Suzuki GS 750, set up for sport touring with a Windjammer fairing and trunk. I was riding with a friend who had a 95 Honda CBR 600 F3, by far a more modern, faster motorcycle. He wasn't keeping up with me while I was in the lead, so I let him in front so he could set the pace. I was horrified to watch him run off the road in the middle of a turn, he didn't even try to lean. He was lucky that day, he didn't die. That was the end of our ride. I went back home to get my truck, so I could bring him and his machine home. He never rode again, he repaired the F3 and sold it. He thought he had the better machine, perhaps he did, in the right hands.
All great points guys. Bottom line...if YOUR happy with your choice, who cares who else is happy with YOUR choice.
He went off saying how it wasn't a real bike and was slow blah blah blah.

I see that some think the 6R is slow, compared to what? Any bike that can turn 12's in the quarter isn't slow. It may not be as fast as others, but it isn't slow. We purchased a great little machine, one that can get out of it's own way. One that would have smoked the GS 750 I was talking about earlier, which BTW was the considered by the Cycle community to be the BEST 750 money could buy in 1978. As much as I loved that bike (I owned it for 20 years), it doesn't hold a candle to the 6R, in any aspect.
Sure they can go fast, but how long can they stand being on the bike? I've heard guys say their wirsts, backs and more hurt after 20 minutes of riding a supersport.

If you like the bike then like it. This isn't high school where there's the cool kids, goth kids, jocks, and cheerleaders. This is life, you determine what you want and don't let others decide for you.

That being said, I got the R6 because I love the styling. I tend to miss my FZ6-R from time to time for it's functions. Idiots will never know that it's a good thing until they try. My friends used to bash on me when I had my FZ6-R until they sat on it and said they love it because it's so comfortable, looks great, and goes fast enough.

If you get a supersport like everyone else, there isn't really much to talk about since EVERYONE has one. I rarely see any FZ6-Rs, I've seen about 3 in Orlando.
This only happens on the internet.

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