What's gonna be on your Christmas list for your FZ6R???

Corbin says you need to put something like 2,000 miles on new seats to break it in. As you ride it's supposed to fit to your butt so it's a customized fit after you break it in. I put 100 miles on it today. the seat is definitely firm but no numb butt or the leg pain I was having with stock seat.

I think a really heavy rider was the original owner of my bike as the seat cushion was really warn out. I could feel the plastic pan where it goes over the frame rails. Caused all kinds of numb butt and leg pains by the time I got home from work.

They are spendy. I've been kicking the purchase idea around for a year reading what others have experienced and wondering if it would be worth it. It's too bad the only way to know how much it is worth to you is to go ahead and spring for the seat.

With the old seat I was ready to get off after 45 minutes on the bike and ready to hurt someone if the ride went longer than 75 minutes. Rode an hour to work and 75 minutes home on the new seat and was okay.

lol, im pretty light so I can make it longer, about 2 hours before the seat starts irritating me and after 3 (even with short breaks) im ready to abandon ship. I just got mine redone by Eddie at dirt road custom and it seems better but I have not been able to take it out for that long yet. Thanks for the update on the corbin. I might spring for the one for 270 for my other bike.
