What honked/ticked/you off today?


New Member
Just a little thread to vent a fuss for the day!

Mine is my hubby hitting the alarm 40 million times in the morning. UUGGHH! Just get up!
Coming to work this morning the cage ahead of me turned on its flashers and comes to a stop in the middle of the road fortunately the person behind me was paying attention and stop too. This is a very busy highway with no way to get by the car due to traffic on the left and four or five deer to the right. Driver door opens and a lady gets out leaves the door open and starts trying to heard the deer back towards the tree line. When I asked her what she was doing. She said she didn’t want the deer to get hit. I asked her if she had thought about herself getting hit or perhaps getting someone killed because she had stopped in the middle of a major highway. She flipped me off and said some things that made me sure she was by no means a lady.

It never ceases to amaze me the stupid things people do just because they don’t think before they do. Then try to cover up their actions by trying to say you’re the problem.

nothing that can't be remedied, and nothing I shouldn't have prepared for earlier, but it's one more hoop to jump through. Found out this cold morning that the battery harness is dual-pronged, and all my heated clothing is single-pronged.
I'm liking this bike, but switching everything (from a beemer) to yamaha is a pain. . .
then again, if that's all I have to gripe about, it's a beautiful day:)
Walked into work this morning, not quite awake yet. :drool:
I was informed it's the director's birthday and we were to sing "Happy Birthday" Marilyn Monroe style. Really?? Glad my director is female.
It was awful... we were awful.
the freezing fog ticked me off today :mad:

Sucks when you ride a bike!!!!!!
Walked into work this morning, not quite awake yet. :drool:
I was informed it's the director's birthday and we were to sing "Happy Birthday" Marilyn Monroe style. Really?? Glad my director is female.
It was awful... we were awful.

Marilyn Monroe style? Would have loved to see that!
Up to 40 mph wind gusts today. Missed it on the way in, but im about to get it on my way home. 55 mile drive home... :rolleyes:
Just a little thread to vent a fuss for the day!

Mine is my hubby hitting the alarm 40 million times in the morning. UUGGHH! Just get up!

That I have to wait another 5 days till Dexter comes on again...:(

And to cure your husbands Snooze fetish, put some super glue on the corners so he can't activate it any longer hehehe...
It rained...
I haven't worn contacts in over 2 year, and my trial pair of contacts dried out BAD on the way to work this morning! :spank:
Snowed for the second time this week. Riding is over for me until I move back to New Mexico in December. My friends R6 got stolen even with him chaining it up. I do nothing put lock the steering, makes me worried.
I hate 2 faced chicks. One thinks this crap would end after highschool. No sir. It is sad that people have to be like this for their own self confidence. I am a nice person but I will not pretend to be your great friend then talk crap about you. If we dont mesh I will not hang out with you. UUGGHH!!! Grow up!!

Ok end rant!:eek:
"Everyday you wake up is a good day; the day you don't wake up, well that's gonna be a bad day" Teacher told me that once and I have found the words to be true, no sense in getting all bent out of shape for another's stupidity when there are so many wonderful things to celebrate...

but if I had to choose it would be INCONSIDERATE people! lol
Is it that hard to take TWO SECONDS to think, can this action or inaction negatively impact someone?
I got caught in a torrential downpour and 60+ mph winds on my way to work. Worst part about it was that my rainsuit was in my backpack....on my back! :banghead: I am really going to stop believing the weather people.
Wednesday turned into a 26 hr work day...with 3 hrs of down time in the middle. Today, I had to show up to work to appease some jerk off at the top. Otherwise, I would have worked from home, or better yet, just stayed home.

At least people planned a happy hour after work today :D
"Everyday you wake up is a good day; the day you don't wake up, well that's gonna be a bad day" Teacher told me that once and I have found the words to be true, no sense in getting all bent out of shape for another's stupidity when there are so many wonderful things to celebrate...

but if I had to choose it would be INCONSIDERATE people! lol
Is it that hard to take TWO SECONDS to think, can this action or inaction negatively impact someone?

Some might say whats waiting for us on the other side is 10 times better than what we face everyday.

Theology is fun and interesting, love the perspective

Gotta make the journey to get there though...Im not quite ready to leap yet...though it is not like a truly have a say in the matter:)
