Went to the Dr. this morning...

Guess I should update, for anyone who cares.

I decided to go forward with the shoulder surgery. Had surgery a few days ago (18th) and doing very well. Surgery went a lot better than planned, for both parties. Doc didn't have to do as much as he or I was expecting. Recovery is going very smooth and not as painful as everyone was making it out to be! I'll be out of work for about 6 weeks and maybe a little while longer than that, off the bike :(
Good luck on your recovery! I'm assuming you're at least in a sling? Once you start physical therapy, I strongly suggest getting some Epsom salt. You're going to be sore afterwards. Put like a 1/2 cup into a large bowl with hot water and drop a towel into it. Wring it out and wrap it over your shoulder. It works wonders. I had a major reconstructive surgery on my ankle and that was the only thing that would numb the pain after they took me off the meds.
Doing this with my phone, so no quotes. Just replying to all.

Thanks, everyone!

Yes, decided to get it done due to the fact of barely being able to do my work because of the intolerable pain I was having. Yes, I am in a sling/shoulder brace. I do have minimal excerises to due every day until any actual PT, and I mean, MINIMAL. So far so good! Have my post op appointment on the 26th.
I have/had (however you want to look at it) Type II Acrommium Disorder also. I had also torn my RC three separate times (football, baseball, Army deployment). I ended up finally getting surgery. I do deal with a lack of strength now to a small extent but, it feels so much better.
Good luck Tatty. Surgery can be iffy - I hope it goes well and you recover. DO THE PT EXCERCISES. Don't skimp - that is the only way you're going to heal.
Smart move... congratulations on the positive outcome...
I had a torn labrum, impingement, and waited 6 years to fix it so arthritis set in. My wife could hear my shoulder creak in the morning!

I was so glad I got it fixed. Even coming out of surgery the shoulder felt better with three fresh holes in it then persurgery.

PT is long, slow and painful, but if you keep at it you'll feel much better in several months.

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if you have done your best with PT and it has not provided you good results it may be time for surgery. I put off my back surgery for 2 years with terrible pain. when i finally did it I knew I did the right thing. After I gained my strength back from PT and i was healed I have on my worst day only 20% pain as I had before and i am strong enough to train in a very aggressive sport and not get hurt.

may be time.
Tatty when you do get to pt, you should request the laser treatment if available instead of ultrasound. It speeds up the healing process tremendously. Has to do with the precise penetration of the laser which excites the cells into a rebuilding process especially on sensitive areas.
Quick update...

Had my post-op appointment today. Nothing much happened, had my stitches taken out and got scheduled for another appointment in 3 weeks along with scheduling PT in 3 weeks. Stuck in the sling until then as well. As of this post, I'm 11 hours without pain medication!! Have to say, I'm feeling pretty good!

Day after Surgery:

~5 days after:



Post-op appt 9/26/13:


I do have pics that the doc took during surgery (inside of my shoulder) but forgot to scan them into the comp..
Quick update.

It's been barely over a month since surgery. Got released from my sling this last Thursday as well as starting PT.

Feels pretty good, just a little stiff still. About 2.5 weeks before I get released to go back to work, on light duty, and about a month away from release for full duty.
