!@#$%^&* Wasp!!!


Elite Member
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a nice pic would help us laugh at your expense more :cool:

riding, sooner or later, we all get hit with something - bee, bird, deer, auto, rocks, flying road debris

Ah I feel for you on that one. I lucked out today on I95 when the huge bumblebee impacted almost dead center of the visor. I'm still cleaning guts out of all the crevices and cracks.

Wasps, yellow jackets, and hornets are the absolute worst. They are just mean critters and have to have the last word, er. . . sting that is.
Bwaahaha! Sorry. BWAAHAHA! I feel your pain, though. I was hang gliding one time at Cucamonga Peak. Later I recalled that prior to launch I saw a black and red bug crawling around. Ten seconds after launching I started turning in the first thermal when ZZZZZZ I got hit by an apparent lightening bolt in the small of my back. Son of a! The pod-style harness wouldn't let me reach around to rub it or kill the beast, besides, I needed 2 hands to fly this thing. ZZZZZ I got hit again. Son of a! Now I started contemplating whether to continue to core this tasty thermal or go out and land. ZZZZZZZZ The third time convinced me to land. Unfortunately, I had a few thousand feet to burn off and it took WAY too much time. I later researched the beast and there's a type of red and black wasp where one sex has wings and the other doesn't. Those things are wicked. One crawled into my harness while I was setting up.

Awww man, im sorry but i chuckled quite a bit at this. hahaha i hate when you get all gear up after washing the bike polishing the helmet, and you go for a 2 min ride down the road just to have them little bastards cream your dream machine. DEATH TO BUGS!!
Look at it this way, It could have been worse.

This happened to me two years ago.

My wife and I were staying at a rental cabin in the mountains. I had just stepped out of the hot tub on the rear porch and a big-*** wasp or hornet stung me on the head. The pain was so intense that it felt like I had been shot in the head. My wife got into the truck and drove like a bat out of hell to a store in town to get me some Benadryl. As soon as she left, I started to break out and itch like hell. I jumped in the shower and stood under the cold water.

When she returned about 15 minutes later, I was a bloody mess on the bathroom floor with the shower curtain wrapped around me. I had gone into Anaphylactic Shock in the shower, passed out, feel out of the shower unconscious, and hit the back of my head on the edge of the sink's wood countertop splitting it wide open. Man, head wounds bleed like crazy! I also broke several ribs too.

I got to take a real fun ambulance ride to the ER where they stapled my head up and stuck some IV needles into my arms and filled me up with liquid meds. The ER Doc told me I was very lucky....he said that I could have died.

To paraphrase Indiana Jones, " I hate wasp, Jacques! I hate 'em!"
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Heading home from school today going ~60mph. Notice swarm of bees! :eek: Too close to avoid. Think about this thread, duck under the windscreen! right as I ducked probably 30 bees were murdered on my windscreen, headlight, mirrors, fake intakes, everywhere. Spent 15 minutes wiping off bee guts/carcasses when i got home :(

glad I read this thread yesterday. Probably wouldn't have been so keen on avoiding them otherwise ;)
Im so worried this is going to happen to me soon, im more worried about this though. The little one on the left is about the size of a wasp, for comparison.


We have these in our area, they sound like a fricking hummingbird going by. They absolutely terrify me, and I really think if one stung me I would wreck. A wasp sting i can barely handle, these things are truely the most terrifying creature/bug/whatever around my area. They are absolutely massive.
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Holy bugs batman!!!!! What the heck is that thing? Truly that is real? If i were to see a bee like thing that size i would go bananas and wreck also! !

Sent from my Galaxy S3 using Tapatalk 2.

I've been stung a few hundred times easily, but I think that bad boy would make me pass out.

Sent from my SGH-I777 using Tapatalk 2

Unfortunately they are completely real. They are true hornets, they bury under ground and make the nests their. Its so awful because you dont know youve found one, until you have 6 of them chasing you. The only thing you can see of their den is a quarter sized hole.

The ONLY sure fire way to destroy their nest is burning it. Literally you have to pour gas in it and light it fast before they come out. The worst part is their stingers are about a half inch long, and can penetrate most clothing. So even if they dont get inside your jacket, they could sting you multiple times anyways.

We destroyed a nest right in front of our house last year, i really should have taken a picture. Really the second picture is about right sizing wise, but it looks like a gentle one. So fat, the ones we have are so aggresive and aerodynamic looking, they are more like the top ones, but the size as the fat one. Never been stung, but ive heard they make grown men cry, and I dont mean that in a rumor sense, as in they WILL make you cry.

Been stung by red wasps, horseflys, and honey bees, never them. I really hope I never have to deal with that situation on the bike.

This shows their true power of JUST the fat ones, not the super aggresive ones. Yeah they bite too.
[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JDSf3Kshq1M"]30 hornets vs. 30,000 bees - YouTube[/ame]
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WTF!?!?! :eek: NO... just flat out NO! I'd be gone.. like leave the state gone. Im not even entering THIS THREAD anymore... see ya!

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