Touring the fz6r

See red

New Member
It seems there aren't too many riders here who use these bikes to tour with.

I have every intention to, I bought this bike to just that. This bikes first trip will be the great river road. I will start with the Illinios section and round past Ciaro coming back up through Tenn. and Kentucky, shooting back through the Il. In. side.

I have done this on every bike I have owned. Even two scooters... well, a 500cc and 600cc lol.. sorta scooters. This year I am especially excited as this will be my wifes first time joining me. She knows we will be camping the entire trip, she has her first bike a nice v-star 250. She has ridden about 900 miles last year and only got 2 days in before we got rained out. 1 nice day and that night it started to downpour, and was not going to let out for 2 more so we went home. :(

That being said she had such a good time she was bound and determined to go again, on her own this time.:D I love her enthusiasm!







These are some from the Aprilia Atlantic 500.
Awesome! I love your enthusiasm and drive! I'm a little confused though. I can't figure out how to get to the book store down the road with a jacket, pen, and my wallet on the 6R.

Where are you planning on putting the tent?
Hi See Red,

Let us know if you want any info on touring set-ups for the FZ6R. I and a few others on this site have set up our bikes for touring.

The FZ6R has some strengths for touring: good riding position, strong smooth motor, good gas mileage, fun in the twisties.

The FZ6R's biggest weakness is a very limited aftermarket, which you'll find out soon enough.

Enjoy your trip!
So far I have found everything I need to get the 6r up to par. One tooth larger up front and 2 smaller in the rear, Stator is in the process of being rewound and is looking like I will get a lot more juice from it at least 40% increase, I am also going to the hid conversion, leds for turn signals and running lights, I am seeing about adding a non lockable compartment into the dash area. possibly one on each side. I have my trunk,bags and brackets. The trunk is a givi e46 and the plx hard cases. I am going to be adding a little extra lighting most likely I will run driving leds.

As for the tent, I does fit in the trunk, It also fits in the bags. However, I will probably put it where I always do. On the back seat. I have a cargo net that fits anything. I am trying to decide wether to keep the plx bags or going to the keyless ones. I may just keep both.

I am working on a windscreen, if I can not purchase the one I want, I will make one. I have already added the 3 power outlets to the bike, I will be posting pic.s when I get it done.

If there is interest enough in getting bikes to tour with extra power or whatever let me know I will see what I can do to try to help. As you can see, I was able to take that scooter and tour on it. I had that thing out as far east as Mass. and south to Florida, I only got as far east as Oklahoma but that was because I sold her before I could make it to Cali.

The question of how to find your way to the book store? do you know the general direction? Head that way first, then in the vacinity, ask. or there are really cool things, laminated 2d gps units that don't even need to be plugged in, we USED to call them maps lmao!
I am not sure what the dealer will say to these. I have never worried about it lol! I have been told by my local dealer that they will install the sprockets for me with warranty, but they want 600 for this and it only costs a whopping 80 for both, through them, it's highway robbery. It is at most a 2 hour job and I didn't opt to buy an extended warranty for mine. So oh well.... They won't cover the rewinding, and the pockets, or the hid, ot even the leds.

If you plan to keep the bike and use it, learn it. I usually keep mine for a minimum of 45k on the odo. About 3 years or so. lmao! I will keep making mine as I go along.
Pics would be great. Sounds like you are planning some great mods! I've given a little thought to camping, but I'm not sure it's for me. I suppose you need a tent, bed roll, pillow . . . maybe a sleeping bag too? I suppose it gets pretty worthwhile, financially, with only a few nights of sleep (compared to hotels).

I'm amazed you've already added three powerpoints. Well done!
See Red, sounds like you'll have one of the sweetest touring set-ups on this site. I'd also love to see pictures.

I'm curious about what you're doing with your seat... Are you going to try the stock seat for touring?

I bought a humongous black waterproof duffel bag from Motorcyclesuperstore. I strap it to my back seat when I tour, and I can put all my bulky items in there like the tent and sleeping bag.
The duffel is a good idea. I actually don't use a roll pad, I am a pu$$* and like to not wake up sore lol. I carry an air matress and a battery pump.

The power outlets are cheap and easy and they take a few minutes to install.

I don't carry a camp stove, but I will say I have never found a place you cant make a fire.
See Red, sounds like you'll have one of the sweetest touring set-ups on this site. I'd also love to see pictures.

I'm curious about what you're doing with your seat... Are you going to try the stock seat for touring?

I bought a humongous black waterproof duffel bag from Motorcyclesuperstore. I strap it to my back seat when I tour, and I can put all my bulky items in there like the tent and sleeping bag.

I am still pulling all the stuff together. I will post pic.s when it is all said and done. No sense in taking pic.s of a bike that you have. lol! As it sits you will see a basic raven, I am going to stay with a stock seat for now, waiting on the cases, brackets, and I bought a second stator just so I can ride. The windshield is still on the fence whether I can get it or I have to make it.

We will see.... But it should be nice for what I want.
I was thinking of soft bags but EVERY time I had them some d-bag has to go over and be like huh.,... what do these guys keep in there???
Even on the dam scooter!!! I bought a can of fake poop, its like a moose that harden, lol and put it on top of the stuff in my bag then just whatched as d-bags would look and want to see who owned the bike....

I was in Galena and did that then sat and had a coffee for an hour across the street. 17 people opened my bag!!!! wtf?????
That would be good if you are by the bike. But I have a habit of wandering around and might be 10 blocks away. I am just going to shell the coin and get the hard cases. It will keep the "honest" people out as well as the overly willing. I want to find a seat pressure sensor!

Came out of a store and saw some dude and his girlfriend sitting on my bike!!!

I thought about stick needles in the seat. but my arse would hurt. lmao
Ida flipped a shitty on those people holy hello Opperator! I wanna see pictures of your rig, even just the progress you have now, Im eager to see it
Lmao!!! It looks like a black FZ6R... I am still in Detriot and would need to get home to take the picture. However, I also have the stuff on order.

You will have to wait.
oooh. Well I wanted to see where you put the power ports/so on...but okie dokie. Ill wait diligently.
I actually travel for a living. I am a feild engineer for machine tools. I am typically out for 2 weeks then home for a weekend. So the collecting of the parts, getting them painted, and everything there and ready is first. I don't put stuff on a little at a time. Get your ducks in a row, that way it's one shot, all done. I will drive it in stock form till then.

Besides, What in gods name do you think it's going to look like?! Most of the stuff is unseen, other than luggage. I do have the outlets in. no modification or tearing down to do it though, and I like to keep my phone charged lol.

Tell you what though, as soon as I get home I will take a picture for you lmao!

See red if you ever head east for a tour my husband and I are interested in meeting up and touring with other fz6r owners. We each have our own '09s and will be getting a full set of givi cases, hopefully within a few weeks. I am interested in adding accessory outlets and possibly changing the gearing. The farthest I have taken mine is 200 mi in a day. The seat didn't kill me.

We live in MD and I work in PA, near the "grand canyon of the east". Great riding roads up here and lots of places to camp or B&B.

This summer we plan to rent bikes for a week and tour the Alps. Had to look long and hard to find Yamahas like ours for rent in the land of BMW... We located an XJ6 Diversion and a FZ8 Fazer no cases so we'll have to rough it with a duffel and bungees. I survived with a similar setup in 2009 on a 1000 km tour through Germany on a BMW F800 we just had to pack light to offset how fkn heavy that bike was! Love our FZ6Rs!!!
