Tinted Visor at Night


New Member
So I was riding with some guys the other night in Dallas - they said cops will pull you over for riding at night with a tinted visor - anyone else ever have this happen??? That's nuts!!!! Do police have nothing better to do??? What if you ride to work and leave late - are you suppose to carry 2 visors with you or something???
I ride with my tinted visor at night most of the time... It's not the best idea but it is really a bitch to have to carry two. I've passed cops many times and i've never been bothered.
In BC I think it's fine. I left the bar the other night and rode right past the RCMP officer waiting for drunk drivers with my tinted visor. He didn't bother me at all, and I am sure he saw.
It is ilegal in California but it's usually something that gets added to a ticket you're getting for something else. Not something you usually get pulled over for. I used to ride with a light smoke shield and found at night it actually worked better than a clear as it cut a lot of the glare and star bursts I get at night.

Actually, it's NOT illegal in California. (Nothing says you can't drive your car with sun glasses on at night either) Your also NOT required to wear eye protection either here. The only law in the CA vehicle code that address obstructive tinting (26708 VC), refers only to 'windshields', which doesn't apply to motorcycles (26700 VC). Of course, I think you'd be completely stupid to ride without eye protection and with a dark tinted visor at night, but you can if you want to in California. Now, other States vary. Virginia and New York, your required to wear eye protection....check with your own States laws to make sure. Here is a good, quick info on States motorcycle laws from the AMA: California state motorcycle laws You can select your state at the top.
:jawdrop: You ride to the bar? :spank:

Yes and I drink water while at the bar too. Don't need to drink alcohol at the bar every time you go, there's better things to spend money on.... like more mods for my bike :D
Not sure what the law for tinted visor here in Florida is but I'm not going to risk it. I usually carry my backpack with the OEM helmet bag. I switch it out and put the visor in the helmet bag in my backpack.

My friend broke his clear shield so he only had his tinted smoked. Rode with it at night with it up.

Guys at my local cycle gear told me they got pulled over for having their visor up while riding, you have to have "proper eye protection". I think it can't be up 1/4's or something.

Which reminds me, what if you want to feel the air at night, don't have a clear at the moment... Do you use sunglasses at night?
Not sure what the legal aspect of it is where I am. Personal preference for me when I ride to work at night is to carry the clear visor for once I get out after 10pm. My Scorpion helmet is pretty easy to do a shield swap so the only issue is having to carry a second visor. I ride a lot of darkened roads on the way home so for my comfort it is just too dark to try to navigate with a tinted visor on after dark. Just my opinion but by no means the final word. :cool:
This is the reason I got this helmet. It has the tinted visor built in and retracts up. And its modular, so the whole front chin guard opens up. I love it.
i didn't even know that it could possibly be illegal.
last week, i was going somewhere with my dad every morning at 445 am, but i had to leave by 700 to get to work. i didn't even think about my visor until i got over to his house, my helmet was there, and noticed i only had the dark visor (never rode in the dark). it was a pita that morning, but the rest of the week i took my clear.
i wonder what illinois law is??

This is the reason I got this helmet. It has the tinted visor built in and retracts up. And its modular, so the whole front chin guard opens up. I love it.

Wow, pretty Cheap for a helmet. I see all the Hawk helmets listed for below $110 on leatherup.com, but only a few were Snell approved. How's the noise? Anyone else use these helmets?
