Think this will buff out?


New Member
So on tuesday I bought a 2009 Yamaha FZ6r.. Have enjoyed riding it a lot so far (couple hundred miles already).

Today though I get the bright ideal to remove the rest of the decals as well as the ugly *** rockstar stickers.

I remove the left side one 1st & find this
Its through the pain for sure, but nothing that cant be painted over ..

The Right side on the other hand
Too much heat was added when whoever removed the original decals did it & warped the plastic fairing.

Did a quick rattle can job to cover the discolored spots (ie its a little less noticeable)

Now I gotta decide if I am going to try to sand down the warped spot & repaint or replace the fairings all together. Either way I didn't bother with the tribal crap on the tank since a re-paint is in the future. Thinking of painting it orange..
Well I would sand it down before I purchased new farings. But u have to do it with a DA or any other sanding machine you won't get good results by hand.

And If you repaint go unique for sure

Sent from my one and only iPhone 5 using Tapa 2 da talk
I am no where near patient enough to do it by hand. I have access to about every auto body tool there is though so it will get sanded smooth.

What color is going to be a tough choice though. I like the ideal of Orange, but I also don't want to draw attention to myself. Plus I am not a fan of the bsu Broncos and that's one of there colors. People around here would end up thinking I was rooting for them and im not really down with that. Might end up going for a non Perl white to be a but different.
Forget what others may think choose the color you like. You will pay for it you will use it not them. Just my opinion

Sent from my one and only iPhone 5 using Tapa 2 da talk

In the end I will go with whatever tickles my pickle the day I buy the paint. I don't want something that you see everyday though.
It didn't even dawn on me when I was looking at the bike to inspect the stickers.. I just assumed that some little trendy bastard added them because they want to be a rockstar. Now I wish I had paid closer attention. I could have used it as a negotiation tool for a little more leverage.
It didn't even dawn on me when I was looking at the bike to inspect the stickers.. I just assumed that some little trendy bastard added them because they want to be a rockstar. Now I wish I had paid closer attention. I could have used it as a negotiation tool for a little more leverage.

I would just get the fairings fixed and painted.

Now...GET BACK TO [H] lol
Working on plasti-dipping mine orange right now. Will post pics when it's all done

I have read through your thread.. It would be a lot easier for me to choose orange if I hadn't though :).. I hate doing something that someone else just did..

Don't let me influence you. Orange is a great color and I'll probably be tearing it off within a year anyway.

You could always go for murcielago orange :D

That is about the color I would be going.. Still a couple other reasons why Orange will probably not be the end choice the more I think about it.

Currently leaning towards what would be best described as a High Gloss Primer Grey.. Would be unusual & not too flashy.. Plus it would match my gear still :)..
