Tank pad photos wanted- FZ6R - Raven

tank protectors take 2...
not too difficult... but, i did goof the first time around... :p

so, i followed everyone's suggestion using the hair dryer to warm it up & peel it off. and, indeed, it came right off- clean. there was very little or negligible scuffing to edges of the pad itself from me using my finger nails to peel it off- as u can see in the pix. so, i just re-applied the same pad back on better the 2nd time... :)

i suggest doing the top section first, and then doing the bottom one. position the top edge first, then gradually press down from the top to the bottom to smooth out/ remove the air to make it stick on. keep a hair dryer handy just in case u make a mistake, and you can start over easily... no big deal.

if u really want to be anal, u can even cut around the wax paper before u peel it off to gauge the location where u want to place it. but, i was too lazy to do that. :p

also, when u reheat the pad with the hair dryer, keep the dryer a couple inches off the pad, and remember to use quick short motions over the pad- so as not to overheat any one area. this way it gradually heats up evenly and won't damage the pad.

it's pretty easy and kinda fun too.. share some pix when u r done. :)
Here's mine :D

got a chick on mine...lol
i like that one with the chick on there where did you get that one from. i have the one from yamaha on my bike.
i like that one with the chick on there where did you get that one from. i have the one from yamaha on my bike.

got it from the dealership...i wanted carbon fiber but i went with this one:eek:
sexy... :)
They have a great selection at Immortal Graphix.....


I just ordered mine from there last week, getting the pad before the bike... (should be here today or tomorrow)
it's the fast as hell hot pink


Bike is gonna be the white and black with magenta tribal striping so it should look really great.
Com'on May 8th (that's when I pick her up. BTW I'm calling her Zen!)
So, here's what the tank pad looks like on....

matches the coloring on the bike to a T!!!

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well, not on a raven.... but can't pass up the opportunity to show off a little :)

