Tank pad from cycle gear a bust.


New Member
Not sure if its just a cheap pad or what but the one I put on 2 days ago came apart. The pad separated from the adhesive side. Not sure if it can't take the heat so to speak. Any ideas? I'm returning it for another but not sure if its worth it.

Sent using Jedi mind tricks!
Ill check those out. It was something quick. I wear studded belts and luckily haven't scratched anything yet.

Sent using Jedi mind tricks!
I'm half tempted to do the immortal graphix make your own pad. Thinking of a blink 182 pad or a nightmare before Xmas. Not sure yet.

Sent using Jedi mind tricks!

I have the same one and no issues, they'll take it back and give you another one or a better one.
