Taking my first road trip!


New Member
So tomorrow my buddy and I are taking a road trip from Detroit to Chicago, pretty excited since this will be my first "long" road trip. Does anyone have any tips/recommendations of things that should be brought? I have a gps/cell phone and a 12v charger port under my seat, but any extra things? Anyways I'm geeked and photos will be uploaded after the trip!
Bring rain gear and ATGATT. Take breaks and if its hot bring some water. I cant think of much else, if I am not mistaken your trip is about 4 hours? Just ride safe and watch for cagers! Good luck and have fun:noworries:
I've made a few 8 hour trips with mine and this is what I would add from my experience.

- A bottle of water cause you will get thirsty often.
- Eye drops cause your eyes will eventually get dry especially if you are driving on the highway.
- A tank bag is very useful if you have to hit toll booths on the highway.
- Emergency Tire repair kit.
- Pain pills for your back and ass after a few hours.
- Some rags and a bottle of cleaning solution for you helmet visor to clean the dead bugs.
- Rain gear obviously
- Make sure you have your tool bag that comes with the bike.
- Spare bike key in case you lose one.
- Ear plugs
- Sun Glasses
Like Marty said.....give the bike a good once over and make sure everything is in shape on it. That's the most important thing. The night before I take a long trip I go through and make sure every bolt is tight, tires are at the proper PSI, all lights work, chain cleaned and lubed, check oil and fluids.

I was paranoid as hell before my first trip....LOL
