stupid question or helpful info??


New Member
so short and sweet.

riding bike w/ female passenger. 5000/6000 rpm bike vibrates a lil that i can feel, girl smacks back of my head and says stop that. didnt know why i got smacked. later that night i sat on passenger seat rev to 5g, yup vibrates ALOT on passenger seat. Tried w/ another girl, I didnt say anything about the last girl said, crusin about 5g, i feel nails going into my side. lol

so i have noticed the structure of the seat, it does raise up in the front. lol

so my question, anyone else found this to be the case?? lol
I've heard mention of it. It seems Yamaha designed the rear seat with female passengers in mind. :rof:

As the weather is starting to get warm again, I need to get my wife to ride with me finally. I'll check back in afterward with the outcome. ;)
{takes notes...]

the gf says it goes numb after a while from over stimulation... but she doesn't complain
I'll take the $300 and give you the ride of your life...:cool:
Only had 1 girl on the back a few times so far, and she's not a tiny girl, but has curves (think hourglass)... She didn't mention a thing to me - maybe I'll have to ratchet the suspension preload to 7 (from the 6 where I normally have it) to stiffen it up more... hehehehe..

Had 1 scrawny guy on the back and he didn't mention anything either...

Could be a combo of weight too... I'm in at 215 or so, add in the passenger (girl is around 165 I'd guess) so all that weight probably would end up damping the vibration a bit.
Only had 1 girl on the back a few times so far, and she's not a tiny girl, but has curves (think hourglass)... She didn't mention a thing to me - maybe I'll have to ratchet the suspension preload to 7 (from the 6 where I normally have it) to stiffen it up more... hehehehe..

Had 1 scrawny guy on the back and he didn't mention anything either...

Could be a combo of weight too... I'm in at 215 or so, add in the passenger (girl is around 165 I'd guess) so all that weight probably would end up damping the vibration a bit.

Depends on what rpm you were running. If you cruise through town in 3rd gear around 5-6000 rpm, they should feel it.
Picture Jeff Bridges in The Big Lebowski on the back of your bike and think that offer over again.LOL


That really got me laughing for some reason!!
This whole thread had me laughing out loud. Thanks!
My wife has probably 200 logged onto the back seat so I showed her this thread last night and she laughed and said she has noticed noting of the sort and if she did she would probably be willing to get on more often.

Maybe I can modify the seat to "enhance" her experience :)

not to dis anyones gf/wife. girl i had on was only 115 , second was 115-120 soaking wet( no pun). so i have no idea. lol
