
6R Blackout

New Member
So if you practice and learn how to properly wheelie, in a controlled environment are you still considered a squid?

What do you think the true definition of a squid is?
Is it because you have a mohawk on your helmet, is it cause you wheelie when there is no traffic? Is it because you put "BLING" on your bike?

I personally think the definition is your own opinion, as my opinion may differ from someone elses opinion.

I would like to know what you all think about a "SQUID".:mikebike:
I don't think having fun makes you a squid. IMHO a squid is either someone who wears no gear other than a helmet, (for god's sake at least wear a mesh jacket) or rides like they have something to prove. Like cutting between cars with inches to spare, going double the speed limit, sees another bike and automatically downshifts and floors it, or any other immature acts yet has 1 1/2" chicken stripes ", in other words inexperience, little to no seat time but think they are the best.

But honestly, I think we all have a little squid in us, it just depends in how much. I have no shame in admitting that I "squid" it up every once in a while. Hell it can get boring riding everyday falling in line with all the other sheeple, so maybe once every other week or so I'll cut loose and put the other squids in their place lol
For me, I always considered a squid someone who
A) Rides over their head in an attempt to look cool
B) Is a useless rider who is more concerned with looking cool than getting better at riding.
Example: For your first bike you get a brand new 6R (or similar) and nice looking brand new gear. You take an interest in technique, and slowly but surely learn how to be a better rider. You have fun when you can, and are sometimes guilty of speeding. NOT A SQUID!
For your first bike you buy a brand new Repsol CBR with matching 1 piece leather, which you ride around town hoping people will talk about how cool you are. SQUID!
For your first bike, you buy a used 'Busa with Japanese letters on the side. You don't own any gear. You blast along the freeway as fast as you can manage whenever you can. Whenever you see another bike or a teenage girl, you wheelie. SQUID!
That's always how I've interpreted it.
For your first bike, you buy a used 'Busa with Japanese letters on the side. You don't own any gear. You blast along the freeway as fast as you can manage whenever you can. Whenever you see another bike or a teenage girl, you wheelie. SQUID!

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What about riding down the street to a friend's house with only a helmet on? Squid?

Helmet only? A little squid-like IMO. Once you add wreckless behavior then you're a full blown squid!
I used to believe a squid was just a gearless rider...

However, tonight, 'bout 10:00pm, I was racing a lightning storm home in Atlanta... saw the lightning, smelled the storm coming in the air... and decided to take a few short cut roads (twisty single lanes).
Long story short, I blew by a few clinkers (clinker=maddeningly slow car driver, running 10 miles under the limit because they're in a car and couldn't care less about the lightning or impending downpour), and I was doing, probably, up to 70, on a relatively twisty, unlit road, with only a single lane in each direction... Lightning flashing all around... and if you haven't been in an Atlanta gully-washer, it's something to avoid on a bike...

"I'm being a punk squid" is what occurred to me while I was being a punk squid...
However, I hit my driveway *just* as the downpour started...

So, bottom line, I now have an expanded definition of squid... (even if it *was* self-preservation).
What about riding down the street to a friend's house with only a helmet on? Squid?

Brother it depends on who is describing you and who you care to listen too. You got three types of riders. You got those who won't even sit on their bike without putting full gear on including mouthpiece and cup. You got others in the middle who base what they wear on how far they are riding, where they are riding, how fast they are planning on going, and what the weather is like. Then you got the other type who are wearing straight up shorts, wife beater, and sandles, on their way to the bike shop to pick up a helmet hawk. Ride however you like.

I have been a squid before, just telling the truth. Never done a wheelie though, just go fast and not have ATGATT.

At some point all of us on the forum here have been a squid at least a little. Does that make us bad riders?

Don't we all want to know what our bike is really capable of, and how far we are really willing to push our own limits? Do you ever find yourself wanting to see how far you can take it?

If you (meaning everyone on the forum) got a brand new litre bike of your dreams would you not push it and feel what power and speed it really has to offer?

In essence we are all squids sometime and at some point are we not? I mean if you even have a bike like ours or a SS don't you become a bit of a squid? I am not trying to put words into anyones mouth or call anyone a squid but isn't part of having a SS or our bike a bit like saying "I am faster and more limber than you on the road so I can do what you can't in a cage".:facepalm:
I don't wear a jacket when it gets above 85 but, I have on chest, back, Elbow, forearm armor on, and gauntlet style gloves.

I don't consider myself a squid....
Keep in mind I've been riding for a lot of years. Also keep in mind that I'm only relatively recently, ATGATT.

My ex introduced me to the sport bike world. When I asked her the definition of a "squid" she said it came from the fact they go "splat" when they hit something. Outside of birthing my son, that may be the best thing she's ever done for me.

In my opinion the definition follows through. I've never seen a geared-up rider doing things I consider to be stupid, on the interstate.

It's always the guy with a distinct lack of gear, doing the stupid stuff. Consequently, whenever I see a rider lacking in gear, especially on a sport bike, that person to me is a squid.

It doesn't matter if they are the safest person on the road. They go "splat" when they hit something.

I also extend that to the plethora of Harley riders around here. I've seen them do some really stupid things, though most are pretty tame. Still, no gear at all. Splat.

Have you ever noticed that? It's never the geared-up guy doing the stupid stuff. Squids do stupid stuff. Squids also do not wear all the gear, they go splat.

So, in my opinion, what is a squid? It begins with the lack of the gear, that most anyone would agree, helps to limit the splat. It continues when that same person does dumb things without said gear.

How come the cool guys in the vids, doing the stunt shows wear limited gear? Because the gear isn't cool. They're extremely skilled squids, but they're still squids.

Ask instead what is a non-squid. The non-squid is geared up and perhaps riding hard. But not overtly endangering anyone else. The non-squid recognizes the fact that they are riding hard and the gear is the answer to the very possible down, if they push it too far.

The lack of care, for the unforeseen consequences of what we are doing, is what makes a squid. The evidence is pretty damning. Those who don't care, who think being cool is more important than being intelligent, are squids.

Ask any squid, any real squid. It don't matter if you wear only a helmet or jacket, splatting is splatting.
