Someone pushed my bike over.


New Member
It didn't fall over because it was moved a little. Not sure if vandals or just some drunk got on it and it fell and they just ran.

I live in a hirise and yesterday it happened to another motorcycle. So very suspicious.
Some scuffs and one of the black plastic pieces broke.
Anyone ever have someone do that to theirs? Pretty weird.


New Member
Call the police and get a report. Not much else you can do. Sucks! At least it wasn't stolen...


Elite Member


New Member
Sorry to hear about your very unfortunate incident.

Whenever I park at a public place, I'm always slightly worried that when I get ready to leave, I'll return to the parking lot to find my baby lying helplessly on her side. My heart breaks at the mere thought of it. :(

Hopefully you'll be able to quickly get your bike fixed and restored so that you won't have to see a constant reminder of how ruthless and cruel some people can be.


New Member
One time me and my girl went out for a ride and was up in Seqouia nation park and when we started to walk back to the motorcycle i looked up at the parking lot as we was getting close and seen a girl siting on my bike and some guy taking pictures i yelled "HEY GET THE FUCK OFF MY BIKE" the girl jumps off and then they started walking away so i walked towards them and told them cant be getting on peoples bikes like that man, the guy goes "oh im sorry we only wanted to take pictures on it etc" i got "ya but thats not cool man thats how people get beat up so now you know so concider it a warning" then they walked away saying sorry. Maybe i should not have been a dick about it but its not cheap ether and if they dropped it or something broke and left and i would never know who done it etc. :spank:


Senior Member
Elite Member


New Member
One time me and my girl went out for a ride and was up in Seqouia nation park and when we started to walk back to the motorcycle i looked up at the parking lot as we was getting close and seen a girl siting on my bike and some guy taking pictures i yelled "HEY GET THE FUCK OFF MY BIKE" the girl jumps off and then they started walking away so i walked towards them and told them cant be getting on peoples bikes like that man, the guy goes "oh im sorry we only wanted to take pictures on it etc" i got "ya but thats not cool man thats how people get beat up so now you know so concider it a warning" then they walked away saying sorry. Maybe i should not have been a dick about it but its not cheap ether and if they dropped it or something broke and left and i would never know who done it etc. :spank:

That's not a dick move. People have no common sense.


New Member
One time me and my girl went out for a ride and was up in Seqouia nation park and when we started to walk back to the motorcycle i looked up at the parking lot as we was getting close and seen a girl siting on my bike and some guy taking pictures i yelled "HEY GET THE FUCK OFF MY BIKE" the girl jumps off and then they started walking away so i walked towards them and told them cant be getting on peoples bikes like that man, the guy goes "oh im sorry we only wanted to take pictures on it etc" i got "ya but thats not cool man thats how people get beat up so now you know so concider it a warning" then they walked away saying sorry. Maybe i should not have been a dick about it but its not cheap ether and if they dropped it or something broke and left and i would never know who done it etc. :spank:

This is more than the 4th time ive heard of people doing this. Seriously what the hell. When I park from now on im gunna put a laminated sign on the seat that says, IF YOU DONT OWN ME, DONT SIT ON ME.


Premium Member


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New Member
I'm having this laminated to put on the seat...



New Member
One time me and my girl went out for a ride and was up in Seqouia nation park and when we started to walk back to the motorcycle i looked up at the parking lot as we was getting close and seen a girl siting on my bike and some guy taking pictures i yelled "HEY GET THE FUCK OFF MY BIKE" the girl jumps off and then they started walking away so i walked towards them and told them cant be getting on peoples bikes like that man, the guy goes "oh im sorry we only wanted to take pictures on it etc" i got "ya but thats not cool man thats how people get beat up so now you know so concider it a warning" then they walked away saying sorry. Maybe i should not have been a dick about it but its not cheap ether and if they dropped it or something broke and left and i would never know who done it etc. :spank:

You should have waited until they got to their car and then stood on the hood and had your GF take pictures. Told them it was the same thing....


Senior Member
Elite Member


Well-Known Member
One time me and my girl went out for a ride and was up in Seqouia nation park and when we started to walk back to the motorcycle i looked up at the parking lot as we was getting close and seen a girl siting on my bike and some guy taking pictures i yelled "HEY GET THE FUCK OFF MY BIKE" the girl jumps off and then they started walking away so i walked towards them and told them cant be getting on peoples bikes like that man, the guy goes "oh im sorry we only wanted to take pictures on it etc" i got "ya but thats not cool man thats how people get beat up so now you know so concider it a warning" then they walked away saying sorry. Maybe i should not have been a dick about it but its not cheap ether and if they dropped it or something broke and left and i would never know who done it etc. :spank:

i completely agree with your actions. My car actually got hit tonight and I was about a block away walking around with this girl that I went to have a couple drinks with. I hear my alarm going off and by the time I got there no one was around and I have a completely jacked rear 1/4 panel.
