Some asshole stole my bike!


New Member
Came home after work today and found that my bike was missing. Why do people have to be such dicks? I thought I hated California before but my hatred has reached its max.

If you see a 2009 Raven 6R around Fresno CA with a Minnesota license plate, hit that fucker and let me know.

Oh man... *really* sorry to hear that. First class personal violation.
I'm sure you've contacted your insurance company... hope they do right by you, in terms of replacement value.

Unfortunately, it's not just Cali... every state can claim its share of asswipes...
The good news is that with every new year intro (and the 2013's just rolled), it gets more affordable to replace the earlier models...
Do you take any precautionary measures? Like caliper locks or anything to that nature? Sorry for the loss. I pray that never happens to me I don't have insurance, were not required here in fla + they want an arm and three legs for decent coverage.
Do you take any precautionary measures? Like caliper locks or anything to that nature? Sorry for the loss. I pray that never happens to me I don't have insurance, were not required here in fla + they want an arm and three legs for decent coverage.

I got insurance when I moved to Gainesville for my bike. $34 a month through progressive and only being 17 at the time isnt so bad. Granted thats only comp though, but if mine were to ever get stollen it would be covered.
So sorry to read this! It's too bad that this thieve could probably be a pretty productive member of society if they put as much thought, energy and time into a real job as they did in stealing your motorbike. Loser.

So sad. People are pathetic! :mad:
Am really upset to hear about this. :(
Hope that you have insurance and that they take care of you. Do you live in an apartment building? Most bikes stolen are actually taken from apartment buildings, unfortunately... In CA, the top 2 stolen bikes are the CBR and the R6. Maybe see what u can do to prevent it from happening again- maybe lock it down to a concrete pole or steel gate with a heavy duty chain next time.

I had full coverage when I lived in MN and dropped it to liability when I moved down here to save money.

I am NOT covered for it being stolen. All I can do now is hope and pray that the Fresno PD finds it in one piece.

The one night I don't lock the ignition. I had been having problems with the key and ignition. Needed some WD-40. Got tired of messing with it and went inside.
I live in a condo community type of place. Just a bunch of town houses with one entrance. So either they wheeled it out or loaded it right under my nose. Or switched the ignition right there. I don't know.

Lost alot of sleep because of this. :'(
Yeah, that really sucks, theives cause all kind of suffering and go on their merry way thinking it's no big deal. Some are even proud of their 'skill' and think they are special because they are able to get away with it.

I saw a TV show one time on this bicycle thief, they were interviewing him and he was so proud of himself, he would target high end bikes and do survelliance on the owners routine and locking locations / methods, then he would swoop in and defeat the locks and ride away.

These guys have no regard for the pain they cause, they are devoid of any morality, their psyche is similar to predatory narcissist types and should be locked away forever - not the dumb young kid first timers, but the career professional theif types (prolly like the one that got your bike).

Anyway, take a deep breath and focus on your family for Thanksgiving, then one day at a time take the needed steps to get back into a bike, really sorry for you loss, life can suck sometimes.
